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"Love me in the dark

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"Love me in the dark." she whispered breathlessly against his ears. Drawing her body closer to him, as his arms tightened around her waist. The cool air from her mouth fanned against his ears, this time, her tongue parted out from her lips, and grazed along his earlobe.

He shivered, and without thinking much, slammed her hard against their already entwined bodies. His hands softly moved away from his hard grip on her waist, and trailed down to her ass.

She grinned when she felt his erection press down on her, giving her the boosted amount of confidence she needed again, with her trembling voice, she breathed out, "--they can't find out about us then. We'll make the perfect secret.


Emily Gaines had always been the perfect business woman. At the age of 22, she had inherited her father's business, and at 25, she had her name among the lists of the youngest billionaires under Forbes, 2018.

She had it all, riches, beauty, intelligence, a good reputation. But what she never expected to get, was a strange and uncomfortable desire for a random guy she met at a club. Not just any guy, but one who looked way below her league. As much as she tried to deny it, she couldn't deny her body the great lust it felt for this man.


Tattoos, weed, drugs, booze, bad company; Logan was everything a respectable woman like Emily should stay away from. He was the ultimate cliché bad boy you read about in most stories.

He disliked rich daddies girls and despised them for the comfort they got right from birth, not having to worry about their future. But when he meets the young strong headed Emily Gaines, the complete image of the type of women he disliked, he couldn't help but admit that he definitely did want this woman. Maybe he could fuck her for a day, satisfy his body's urges and move on with his life.


When these two finally give in to their sinful desires, they find themselves wanting more. A secret, they called it. They could screw each other for a few more days until they got rid of their burning desires, but this lust suddenly transforms into the weirdest feeling ever for both of them.

In the dark, they agreed to show their love only. Emily couldn't risk everything she'd worked for because of a mere infatuation. She wasn't ready, and especially when her wedding to her father's best friend's son was approaching soon. Logan had absolutely no problem with that.. or so he thought.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now