Wet dreams, wild fucks, and an horny bride. Wrong combination.

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Hey guys, me again, because I like talking and the attention 🙄😑 sue me. 😇. So in this chapter, we're going to have a character from one of my books here, "The Perfect Boyfriend." make a cameo appearance.

Yeah, I can guess that none of you here have read it, but it still don't matter. Just wanted to let you know. Her name's Jordan and she's the MC in that book, she's kinda similar to Emily, so I just had the idea to make them cousins, p.s, Jordan is crazy, like a real crazy highschooler, if you want to see more about her, you can check the "The Perfect boyfriend" out. Okay, I'm done talking. Read this longgg chapter.❤❤

Take note, this chapter is completely completelyyyy unedited. Forgive, and forget any errors you see.


Life was boring without Drew

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Life was boring without Drew.

But it was more boring with so little things for her to do to keep herself busy with. Her father wasn't joking at all when he told her he didn't want her working until the wedding was over.

He had taken Christian with him on the business trip she was to attend with Chad, saying the wedding planner he had hired for them, had rang earlier, complaining that his daughter never for once stuck to their appointment and left her waiting.

On the other hand, Emily couldn't really be blamed. The last time they had agreed to meet, was the night she had stayed out, and came back the next morning, only to have had sex with Christian, slept, woken up, and then grabbed her laptop to work.

Marriage was definitely not her thing.

Get her a Drew, a cup of cappuccino, her laptop, a Chad, and she was good to go.

Today, she had another appointment with Beth, which she had long predicted that she was going to ditch again. Christian had practically gone on his knees, begging her not to miss this one, an exaggeration though, and her father had called again to tell her more cock and bull stories of her mom, hoping to get her in the wedding spirit, but no, she was having none of it this time around.

There were people who did their weddings without bringing in wedding planners, and everything worked out just fine, and if her dad and Christian really wanted a wedding planner involved, they could talk to the woman their damn selves.

Drew had called earlier to tell her that Jameson was taking her to London for a nice and fun time, and Emily suspected that the thing with the young man was getting serious. Maybe Drew would finally decide to stick with one man.. one man, Emily's thoughts waywardly trespassed into memories that never failed to torment her for days straight now.

At night, she would find herself dreaming about a certain tattooed man, running his hands down her waist, groping her tits and planting wet kisses on her hardened nipples. Lately, it had been getting worse, images of things they didn't even do, would fill up her mind, and as much as she hated to admit it, she knew she was having fantasies about what she'd want him to do to her next.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now