"Do you, Emily Katherine Gaines, take this man to be your lawfully wedded

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••|| "Do you, Emily Katherine Gaines, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? "||••


Extremely long chapter! Very long!

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Extremely long chapter! Very long!


" Oh my God! Emily!"

The look of utter relief on Christian's face was too clear, not to notice. Immediately Emily stepped into the house, his arms enveloped her in a tight hug. His right hand moved to her head, and softly caressed her hair.

"I have been worried about you my love. I talked to your dad, and he told me not to worry much, but still I couldn't help myself." He mumbled into her hair, taking in her lovely fragrance.

The only thing that ran through Emily's head at that moment, was that she was back. Back here. 

This was her house. It was her safe haven, but it wasn't really feeling like that right now. Those arms that were fastened against her body, she used to know them once, she used to feel comfortable in them.

The harsh Cologne coming from his clothes was in no way similar to the smell of gasoline that he had. Logan didn't smell like expensive perfume, but oddly, she found his scent more appealing. More sexy.

Christian's long sleeved shirt was rolled up to his arms, so Emily could see his clear white skin. Not a single black mark stain on it. But Logan.. Logan's hands were filled with them. She found them fascinating, interesting. Another odd thing.

At first, she had tagged them as a bunch on inked rubbish, but now, she even bore the thought of getting one, especially after Logan had explained to her, what all his tattoos signified.

The green orange, and white Irish flag on his left arm represented freedom and independence. It also gave him a great sense of pride, demonstrating being an Irish man. A lot of ladies loved that tattoo, according to the man.

The Celtic sun tattoo on his chest represented healing, fertility, and life. Although, he told her the the drawing of the sun had enchanted him at first, it was the significance that made him get it inked on his body.

Being sixteen and living with his over abusive aunt and her husband in a tiny one room apartment, all he had ever wanted was life, and healing. The tattoo seemed perfect for him.

On his right arm, he had the drawing of the moon dragon tattoo. In the Chinese culture, the dragon signified good fortune and strength. When combined with a full moon, it could symbolize the supernatural power of the moon. Both put together could indicate a growing sense of power.

One by one, he had explained them all to her. Not one of the numerous tattoos he had, did not have a meaningful representation.

Today made it just three weeks until the wedding. A wedding that she had never felt okay with from the start, and now, she was feeling more unsure about it.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now