Sometimes, she just needs it a little rough.

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It was half past seven when Emily finally awoke

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It was half past seven when Emily finally awoke. She noticed something was odd, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Her room was still dark, the drapes which went all the way from the ceiling to floor were drawn close.

Softly, she sat up in her dark grey California King bed, her eyes scanned the room for a few minutes, before settling on the gold drapes which behind, hid the Bay windows. She looked to her right, where her bedside table stood, the alarm clock resting on it read in big bold red numbers, 7:35a.m.

Ahh, so that was the odd thing, she thought. She had overslept, no doubt that the activities of last night drained her completely.

After arriving from South Africa in the morning, she had gone to the company, from the company, she'd come home, had her bath, and hadn't even closed her eyes up to a minute before Drew had burst through her doors and forced her into her closet to go to some crazy high school reunion which turned out to be stupid, as she had called it earlier.

As she placed her feet to the tiled floor, she contemplated going to the office, working from home, or doing neither.

From her childhood, her father had always trained her to be the perfect business woman. Never for once did he not remind her of her future duties. Having no son and loosing his wife a few years after Emily was born, he had made up his mind to not remarry, but instead focus all his attention on his daughter.

He had mistresses, probably had a few illegitimate children, none of which Emily had cared to know about. Her father made sure none of them came to her, be it for a family time, or to ask for money. But he had none of these until after Emily had reached her teenage years.

All through high school, she had taken business courses and excelled perfectly well in all. She hardly had the time to enjoy her teenage years, and if not for the lively Drew who came to sneak her out of her room late at night when her father wasn't home or was sleeping, Emily's life would have been the perfect definition of loneliness and boredom.

Whenever she got back home from school and the heavy calculus classes, hard Economics tests, she would be allowed to rest for only an hour before her home tutor arrived and started the whole process again. With an IQ score of 135, her father was quite proud of her, getting her name under the Forbes list was a bonus and he had invited her for dinner to celebrate her achievement on the last Friday of the month.

She pulled the drapes aside, and silver rays of sunlight streamed in, shining bright on her face. She closed her eyes at the sudden impact of the light, a small smile spread on her lips immediately she felt her face warming up. Her fingers slowly trailed up to her cheeks, and caressed it softly.

After a few minutes of basking in the sunlight, she turned on her heels, put on her flip flops, headed out of her room, and down the spiral staircase.


The smell of scrambled eggs, toasted bread and coffee filled her nostrils and she sighed as her stomach groaned in response to it. Now, she wondered who had invaded her privacy and food. As she neared the end of the stairs, a back came into her view. It was a man's back, broad and wide, clothed in a white long sleeve shirt, the muscles in his shoulder and hands contracted whenever he flipped the pan. A cute pink apron was tied around his waist as he cooked on.

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