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The grin playing on Logan's face, failed to disappear, even as he stepped into his apartment and bolted the door, shut. He couldn't believe that Greg was getting married!

He found the thought of it quite amusing, because Greg was the first friend he had made when he moved into the city, as a fucked up teenager who had ran away from home. Greg had been the one to take him in, even though he had so very little himself.

He was older than Logan by five years, but with the way the two men moved together, one would assume they were twins. Greg had been a fuck boy like Logan, never settling for one girl, clubbing every night, but by day, both of them ran the workshop together. Until, one day, Greg decided it was time for him to do other things with his life than stay in a cramped up space everyday, with dirty oily stained clothes as he attended to people's cars. He was always the over ambitious type, never contended with the little they got from working all day. His dream was to catch a rich woman and get married to her, so he could live off her.

He travelled out of the country, a few years ago, with the amount of money he had been saving, and suddenly, this morning, had showed up at Logan's doorstep, with this red haired chick, who looked so different, and unlike the other girls Greg liked to roll with.

He said they had met, three months ago, started dating, and just last week, he had proposed to her and she said yes. So, they flew in that morning, to break the news to his long lost friend, Logan.

But Logan could still see the classy clothes the girl wore, her long, well manicured fingers, her sharp and high cheek bones, the look in her eyes when she had stepped into the neighborhood and his apartment, and it wasn't hard for him to know that she was sleeping in bags of money.

He wasn't one to judge, but he knew his dear old friend. Greg might really love the woman, but he loved her money more. Seemed like his dreams came true after all.

Today, he had decided to stay home and rest, maybe hit the club at night, but today was his off day from the workshop.

He stared at the leather watch band on his wrist, and sighed when he saw the time.


He had no idea on how he was going to spend his day. His eyes roamed round his small living room, and images started flooding in, images he didn't really need to be recollecting so early in the morning.

The couch, he could still see her straddled against his waist as she bit hard on his lips.

The kitchen counter, the smell of her arousal stabbing through his nose, as he ate her out, her hands forcefully pushing his head forward, deeper into her.

The floor, a mild chuckle escaped his lips, he could still remember the pout on her face when they had broken that vase. With her steady firm voice, she had told him she would replace it. The woman was hilarious, she needed to loosen up a bit, Logan knew she was a whole load of fun.

A soft knock on the door broke his thoughts, and his back shot up from the couch he was lying on. He wondered if Greg and his fiancé were back, maybe they had forgotten something.

He grabbed his shirt, which he had pulled off and left hanging at the top of the couch. Putting it over his head, as he walked to the door. With a click, it flung open, and he found himself staring straight at her. The woman that had been invading his thoughts recently, a lot.

She stood still, a red handbag, dangling off from her hands, dark shades hiding those beautiful green eyes from the world, lips pursed, and a slightly annoyed look, etching her face.

Before he could utter a single word, she pushed him backward and shut the door behind her.

Logan stumbled, almost falling to the cold hard ground, from the effect of her push. As he regained his composure, he watched her fling her bag onto the nearest couch, her glasses, followed next, she stepped out of her heels, and finally took, long sensual strides to him.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now