A father's love.

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••||A father's love.||••


"A shot in the dark
A past lost in space
Where do I start?
The past and the chase
You hunted me down,
Like a wolf, a predator
I felt like a deer in the lights"



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"Hello daughter."

Her father's black eyes pierced deep into hers. The young man standing beside him excused himself, and the moment he was out of the room, Emily was finally alone with him.

She was left with no other option.

Her father was the last man on earth that she would ever go to, for help, but she didn't really have much of a choice here.

"Take a seat." he said with a grim, tired  expression.

She shook her head softly, but still, moved away from the door entrance, where she had stood, perched on.

"I am not here for a long discussion, there's no need for me to sit."

With that said, she stopped at his front, and stared directly at him. The only thing standing between them was the large office table.

"You're pregnant my dear, you need rest." he smiled. A tiny smile that brought just the corners of his lips a bit up.

"You don't care for this child. Don't pretend like you do." she scowled.

"True as that may be, it doesn't change the fact that it is going to be my grandchild. I may not be too fond of the acclaimed father, but i won't transfer that dislike onto the poor child."

There it was.

The little kindness the old man still had in him.

Maybe, after all, he could help her. Talk some senses into Christian, that was if he had nothing to do with Logan's disappearance too. And God, she hoped he didn't.

The minute Christian had ended the call on her, she had taken a few minutes to steady her fast beating heart, her trembling body, and her rising fear.

Fear for Logan.

The next and only destination was her father's house. As he rarely ever left it whenever he was in town.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now