Who is Logan?

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Everything about her was dangerous.

He knew that. The thought had been running through his head ever since they met the second time again.

He liked danger, hell, he lived for it. The fun it carried along, the adventures, and sometimes the lessons.

Emily Gaines was beginning to look far too dangerous for him. She was getting married in a few days, to an extremely rich man. She came from a long lineage of stinky proud rich people, he liked to have nothing to do with people like them. Nothing.

Whenever she wasn't around him, Logan would let thoughts like these get to him, but whenever he saw her face, no matter how cold it looked that minute, everything seemed to resolve itself. All he could think about suddenly, was worshipping her body with his eyes, mouth.. and well, his cock.

A woman like Emily Gaines could sell your soul to the devil, she could even make the devil sell his soul to her. That's how unique she was. Never in his life, had he met someone like her.

He knew that what they had, was going to come to an end soon. She was going to leave and get married to her prince charming, live in their high and mighty castle, and have tiny little princes and princesses. And him, he'd return to his own little cottage, deep in the forest, and live alone for the rest of his life.. maybe bring in some girls to fuck occasionally.

Okay! Who was he kidding around with. He was thinking like a child now.

Business was bad today. Since he arrived at the workshop hours ago, he had gotten no customer. Maybe that was the reason he allowed stupid thoughts like that sneak into his head.

His workshop wasn't really that big, and neither was it small. He had rented a comfortable garage inside town. It was his and Greg's money that started it off, paid for most of the tools and equipment that now filled the room. The normal basic tools like the spanners, pliers, ratchet and sockets, screwdrivers, and hammer, were there, along with other advanced tools.

A mini van, an old black bmw, and a few out of date cars were parked inside the garage too. The owners of the vehicles were either taking too long to come collect their properties, or they had completely forgotten about it, but whenever Logan called them, to remind them of the money they owed, and the cars they left behind, they always gave excuses, or pretended to not know who they were talking to.

It always pissed Logan off, especially since he was beginning to run low on money. Most times, he contemplated selling them, and maybe someday, when he was in dire need of the money, he would.

Dressed in his blue coveralls and a boot, he sat in silence and boredom. He could hear the zooming of cars on the main road, which was not too far from his garage. His stomach gave a loud annoying grumble, and his hands immediately moved to clasp on it.

Fuck it! She had made breakfast for him, but he was too interested in eating her out, than actual food. After he had gone back into the shower, he had returned a few minutes later to see Emily staring deeply at her phone. He asked her if she was okay, but she was paying no attention to him. Even after he had dressed up and told her he was leaving, she didn't even so much as look up to face him. He wondered what was going on in her head? Who had called her?

He glanced at the black leather watch on his wrist, and sighed when he saw the time.


He had to find something to eat soon, and also find out what Emily was up to. Being alone in his apartment, how bored must she have been? Was leaving her alone a good idea? What if she needed something?

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now