Watching porn is a humane thing to do.

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Long chapter ahead!


With a low grunt, Christian untangled himself from Emily, and laid beside her. He turned on his side to get a full view of her face, she was as still as a log of wood, her breaths were calm and steady, and she definitely did not have the look of a woman just satisfied in bed.

Her eyebrows were creased together and she bit softly, on her plump lush lips. It was like she had something on her mind, something that Christian was curious to know about. He raised his upper body up and supported his jaw with his hands as he kept his stare on her. For a brief moment, his eyes accidently trailed down to her bare bossom. Her nipples were getting hard from being exposed to the cold air in the room, and Christian, not being able to stop himself, placed a hand upon it and caressed it. He felt the tip lengthen against his hands, and he grinned.

"What are you thinking about love?"

This caught her attention. Her lips unintentionally released itself from the hold of her teeth and she sighed.

"Nothing much." she mumbled. Christian noticed the odd tone in her voice and he gently removed his hands from her chest. He sat up straight, the genuine concern in his eyes shone like a thousand stars.

"Emily, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Emily almost scoffed at his words. Of course, something did happen. But how was she to tell him that a random guy she met on a rainy night, got into her car without permission and managed to get her wet even though it seemed like he wasn't trying to. How could she tell him that a guy covered in bloody attractive tattoos had told her he wanted to eat her cunt?

She definitely could not tell him that while he was making love to her, she was thinking about someone else who was actually willing to fuck her.

"Nah, I'm fine. Just tired." she finally turned to face him, a fake smile pressed on her face. Christian smiled at this, leaned down and placed a light kiss on her lips.

"I'm glad you're fine, now I can ask this." the smile still played on his lips and Emily wished he would just leave. Honestly, that was what she wanted. She didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling  him to leave, but all she needed now was her privacy. She had to think.

"What?" she questioned.

"Tell me. Were you watching porn? Is that why you ignored my calls and came back home all wet and horny?" his smile extended into a grin, baring all his teeth on display for her.

Before Emily could stop herself, it came out like a bomb. She laughed until a tear drop landed from her eyes, leaving Christian more confused than ever. After a few minutes of laughter and confusion, she spoke.

"Porn? Seriously? You know I don't like porn, I hate it. Why would I watch it?"

"Because it's a humane thing to do? It shows you're human?"

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now