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"You have to come!"

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"You have to come!"

Drew Allen's voice resonated through the speaker of the phone and Emily winced in pure agony. She rubbed her fingers softly across her temples before speaking back, keeping her voice as calm and sweet as possible.

"Drew, you know I am a very busy woman. I do not have the time to attend some stupid high school reunion."

"It's not stupid! I'm going for the same party, aren't I?"

Drew's voice came out in a long childish drawl. It was hard for Emily to sometimes remember that they had attended the same highschool for six years. With the way the girl behaved, one would think that she was eighteen, not twenty four.

In all honesty, Emily had no intention of attending the reunion. It was no secret that she hated everyone of her ex classmates, well, except for Drew and the feeling was pretty much mutual for the other party.

"I don't go to clubs." she finally replied.

"I do."

"That's why we're two completely different people." A man coming in Emily's direction stopped with a halt and greeted her with a smile. She nodded her head strictly as a gesture of her acknowledgement.

"Good day ma'am." he said. He was dressed in a black office suit, his jet black hair was gelled upward and his black eyes twinkled in false delight upon seeing the young woman.

"Glad you're back madam. We all are." he went on to say.

Bluffing. Emily knew they all had their dislikes or grudges for her, but that was the least of her problems right now. She had just gotten into the country from South Africa where she had gone for a business trip, and not even up to an hour of stepping into California had Drew called her to remind her of a stupid high school reunion. Not like she hadn't been told about it a month earlier before, she just didn't care.

Without saying a word further to the man before her, she strode out and moved into the elevator. A few employees who saw her gave short and Curt greetings of which she replied the same way she had with the first guy.

The elevator gave a ding and came to an abrupt stop on the sixth floor where her office was located. A loud screeching voice made her freeze in her steps.

"Emily Gaines, did you fucking leave me on hold again? I have been waiting for your response for over an hour!"

Emily quickly looked at her phone and saw that the call with Drew was still on. Goodness, she had forgotten that the poor girl was still on the other line. She grinned and pressed the phone to her left ear as she continued on her journey to her office.

"I'm sorry girl. I am just so stressed out, and I left you on for like, five minutes?" Finally, she stopped at a wide glass door which led to her office and almost immediately, a nerdy looking man with glasses opened the door and came out from the inside of the room. He smiled at her and she gave him a short smile, holding up her hands in a way that told him to wait there, and he did.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now