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As we left our street, I started to get hungry. "Hey Dom, I want chicken nuggets, my guy" "Ok we can get some Maccas, nerd. But to be honest I'm so fokin hungry it's not even funny." He said as I laughed at him. 

I started to wonder why the fuck he had all that shit in his backseat. "Mate, why do you have bottles and a carton?" I asked, jokingly like an innocent girl. "We're going to Pa... nice try it's a surprise." He said, a hint of regret in his voice. "Could you at least tell me why you have two bottles of fokin vodka. Not to mention the fokin carton of Marlboros that I lowkey really want right now."

Both Dom and I drink and smoke. We shared our first ever cigarette in my room when I was home alone, he was 16 and I was 15. We both started smoking and drinking more together after that.

"Alright, alright. I got them so we could get a little fucked up at out favorite place. I'm writing a song about the place because I love it so much. So do you!" " You mean to tell me we're going Rosa's?" Rosa's is my favorite record store ever. Both Dom and I spend so much time and money there, everyone that works there knows us as family, we even get discounts on new releases or old records they can't sell.

" No love, not Rosa's" he said in a sweet voice "Then where the fuck are we going, ya foking twit?!" He laughed at me calling him twit. I only call special people twit. And this idiot sure was special.

We finally made it to McDonald's, I ordered nuggets and a strawberry milkshake and Dom ordered a happy meal. " Why do you always order a happy meal, their for kids, mate" Dom laughed and gave me the answer he always does. "Cause it pissed you off. " I rolled my eyes and laughed, he was right. It did piss me off, it's not enough food for a guy his size. Once I finished my nuggets, we headed back to the car, I put on my favorite song, Overdose by Grandson. I started jamming out and Dom laughed at my ridiculous dance moves. He took a sip from my almost empty milkshake as we continued to drive. It was around five minutes later when I fell asleep listening to Dom sing one of his songs. It was the acoustic version so it was calmer.  " my mum thinks I'm on heroine, and my dad just thinks I'm gone".

I was dreaming about Dom cuddling me and me playing with his hair, until I was so rudely interrupted by Dom aggressively pushing me and yelling at me to wake up. "Fuck off" I groaned as I sat up. We were here, the one place I could feel every emotion I had. It was a boring place but it was important to both me and Dom. It was Park Hill.

Oof ok welp  lil bit shit but wtv

It's currently 4:25 in Canada so I might update later tonight

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