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((A/n)) sorry I haven't updated in a while. Kinda unmotivated.

(Jamie's POV)

As I get into Gabe's car, he flashes me a small smile "you look nice, my dear" he compliments. I can't help but blush, I blush at every little compliment I get, from anyone, wether I hate them or not. I always blush.

~smol time skip~

We arrived at his place and I sat down on him couch. "So I wanted to talk to you about this girl. I think I'm in love with her but I don't know if she likes me back. We work together and we're always flirting, what does it mean?? I mean your a girl so I was hoping you could help me out" he was sounding desperate about this girl. After giving the best possible advice I could he looked at me deeply in the eyes " thank you, so much Jamie, I really needed that." With that he kissed me. It was passionate and needed. (Not going into detail no one cares about Gabe.)

After an hour of  "fun" he drives me back to my place. He walks me up to my door and I see Dom looking at us in the corner of my eye. Gabe thank me again and says goodnight. I tell him to call me if he ever needed more advice or if anything new develops with his mystery woman. Gabe laughs and looks up, noticing Dom "is it ok if I make him jealous for what he's missing out on?" He asks. He knows a little about Dom and I. "Sure, why the fuck not" I laugh quietly. Gabe wraps his hand on my waist and pulls me in, then kisses me deeply, I tun my hands through his hair and I feel his hand slowly creep lower to my ass. " Think that showed him" Gabe said as we pulled away from each other. I smirk and open the door, quickly kissing Gabe's cheek.

I run upstairs to see Dom in his Pjs glaring at me. "Hey love, what's up?" I ask him. Trying not to smile at what Gabe and I did. "Don't pull that shit. It's 3am. You left at fokin 11. You had me worried sick." Dom said, louder than his normal tone. "It's not up to you to worry about me. I told you where I was, why are you flipping out over it?" I was starting to get frustrated with him. Like what's his deal. He's acting like a child. "I don't foking like that dude. I don't know why but I just don't. Plus of course I'm flipping out! I care about you and your too dumb to see that!!" He was furious at me. But I was about to go insane. How dare he say that to me. "FOK YOU DOM. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK. AND DON'T CALL ME DUMB YOU FOKING PRICK!" I was screaming at him, pacing closer and closer to him. "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORRY ABOUT YOU, BUT YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE A SELFISH BITCH" He was glaring deep into my eyes. He new he was crossing I line but didn't care. That's when I snapped. I mean I'm a pretty tough girl even though I'm 5'3. I punched him right in the face. "DON'T YOU FOKING DARE CALL ME A SELFISH BITCH. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU? WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE A SELFISH BITCH?" Dom stumbled back in shock. Never in my life had I punched him. He starred me down. He was much taller then me but I didn't give a shit. He marched up to me as if he was going to hit me. I wasn't scared, I know he wouldn't and couldn't hit me. He just walked up to me, grabbed my face lightly and said "you pack a mean punch you mini cunt" then turned around a went back to bed. He left me standing in shock. What the fuck?? Um ok.

With that I went to my room to change I realized how tired I was and I immediately fell asleep once I hit my bed.  I didn't like that Dom and I fought.

Ik it's short, I'm thinking of starting a new piece either a Remington Leith x reader or an Emerson Barrett x reader. Ok bye uwu

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