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~the next afternoon, yes Jamie sleeps a lot.~

I woke up to see myself at home, in my bed. I guess Dom carried me up. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair, yawning. I'm still sad, still thinking about Dom, why do I have to love him? Why can't we just be friends? Why can't we just have a normal relationship like we used to? But we do, it's all in my head, I'm the one over thinking this. I need a distraction. I got out of bed and open my door, heading towards the kitchen. Dom was in there, again shirtless, making pancakes, fuck yea. He was dancing to one of my favourite songs on his, Polygraph Eyes. But again, that knot in my stomach, that horrible feeling of loneliness engulfed me. Loving him, but not having him took over me, the feelings it gave me could drive one mad. "There you are love, a plate of Dom's famous strawberry pancakes!" He set a plate down on the bar as I sat down. Deja vu? "Dom!? What the fok!! This is too much!" I yelled at him, he always served me so much food. He shrugged and grabbed two forks for us. I've seen this before. But the feeling was happier.

It was 3 in the afternoon, I decided to do some homework and email my teacher as to why we left yesterday. I sat in my room, writing down notes for class, when I heard soft guitar strumming coming from Dom's room. I checked the time, 4:37 pm, time flew by. I finished my work and went into the kitchen to get a snack. I opened the pantry and rummaged through the food, feeling a presence behind me, an arm passed me, and grabbed a bag of crisps. I turned around to see Dom's face, inches away from mine. " 'ello love." Dom said sweetly, my face burning up. I bit my lip as I looked into his hazel eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I knew if I did, it would ruined everything we had. I smiled weakly and grabbed a box of biscuits walking back to my room. I sat on my bed and opened my laptop, and started to play Friends on Netflix. I looked out the window and for some reason started crying. Quite whimpers escaped my lips, hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I looked up to the ceiling and rolled my eyes. "Why do I have to feel?" I whispered to myself.

I wiped my tears away and grabbed my phone.

Slim shady👅🖕
I'm sad. Pick me up at 11?

Sk8r boii 😎🤘
Of course babes. See you then 😉

I closed my phone and just laid in bed, staring at my ceiling, thinking about everything and anything. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door. Dom walked in slowly. "Hey love, lets go out, it's like 6:30." He said sweetly and gently. I sat up and wiped my face, was I crying? "Yea ok. Lemme get dressed." I said coldly. "What's wrong love? You've been crying." Worry in Dom's voice. "Oh it's nothing. I'm going to Gabe's place tonight actually." I answered dryly. Dom nodded not wanting to pester me. I got dressed in a simple outfit

I wrapped the big sweater around me and yawned

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I wrapped the big sweater around me and yawned. God I'm still tired. I walked out of my room to see Dom putting on his Creepers. "Where we off to?" I asked him quietly. He looked up and smiled. "We're getting you some nuggets!" He said enthusiastically. He new chicken nuggets always cheer me up. "Yaaayy!" I said tiredly. He laughed at me, making me roll my eyes. "Shut up I'm tired and sad." I whined, walking over to him and hugging him. I nuzzled into his chest and I felt his arms snake around my waist, hugging me tight. He gently moved to the wall behind him, and started sliding down, taking me with him. I started gently crying, hopefully he didn't notice, since he would ask why and I knew I couldn't tell him. There we were, by the front door, Dom sitting on the ground with his legs out, me straddling him, gently crying. "It's ok, love, I'm here for you. I always will." He said, stoking my hair. How could someone not fall in love with him. After a few minutes of me gently crying and Dom reassured me, I finally lifted my head of his chest and wiped my remaining tears away. Still straddling him torso, I started giggling. "God I'm such a crybaby, whatever. I want nuggets!!" I climbed off Dom's lap and straightened my dress, and put my Doc Martens on. We headed out the door and walked to our car, and drove off to a Macca's near us.

~extra thicc time skip~

I was drunk. Really drunk. I was in Gabe's apartment, texting Dom.

Dom I ned uoi to pick mme up fro gaves placr ok 💖🖤👅😈👏😭😎🍬🖕

Ok. Send me your location. Be there in a jiffy.

I smiled and sent him my location. After a short while, Dom honked the car horn outside. I got up from Gabe's lap, since we were making out. "I've got to go babes. Text me whenever." I slurred, putting my boots on. I rushed down the stairs of Gabe's flat, almost falling as I did, and jumped into the car. I smiled a big smile to Dom but he kept a straight face. "Buzz kill! Don't be upset, I'd rather fuck You over him any day!" I giggle to him, his face changed to shock and started laughing with me. "Mate!! Put on Polygraph Eyes!!! It's my favourite song of yours!" I slurred. Dom laughed at my intoxicated state and started to play the song. After a short drive, we pulled up to our flat. I ran into the flat and headed towards the kitchen, making toaster waffles for me. Dom walked in later, again with his upset look. "Why do you always go over to his place. Also, why did you tonight?" He asked, sternly. "It's cause I needed to talk to someone about something I couldn't talk about with you!" I slurred, then poked his nose after saying 'you'. He rolled his eyes. "Jamie. What couldn't you talk to me about?" He asked. This time sounding worried. I giggled slightly and started. "Well, the reason I was crying before was for the same reason. I-I like this person, like a lot, but I can't do anything about it cause I might ruin s-something good." I slurred. He looked at me dead in the eyes. "Who is it?" He questioned. "Weellll..... if I tell you, you have to promise not to freak out or talk about it tomorrow, I'll forget about it either way." I said, sweetly. "Cross my heart, dear." He said, crossing his heart. I nodded. "I-it's.... see well.... its y-you." I stuttered. The sudden feeling of being stone cold sober hit, as if all alcohol in my system left. Dom's eyes grew wide. "Are you kidding me!? For how long?" He said, very shocked. "Well.... remember when we were high off our asses, cuddling on the tour bus, since then." I answered. Looking down at my feet. Dom stepped closer to me, lifting my chin. "That's the exact moment I fell in love with you too." He said quietly. Then it happened, the one thing that made me feel more sober then ever. He kissed me, passionately. I know it sounds cliche, but I felt as if my heart was doing backflips and there were fireworks in my stomach. I smiled as we pulled away, then a wave of panic washed over me. "Nonono, nope. Um sorry Dom. I'm hammered, I'm going to bed." I said quietly, as I walked to my room. Dom's stood there in shock. I got to me bed and just slept. Thinking about how much I fucked this up. Maybe this was a dream. Yea. Totally a dream.

Lol yeet. Unedited btw so sorry for spelling errors.

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