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Doms Pov

I was finishing my newest album, 21st Century Liability, but I needed one last song. One that was pumped up but had a message. I started thinking about my best friend, we've know each other since I can remember, we do basically every together. She and I go to school together and go on tour together. I don't think I could live without her, literally, we share a shitty apartment and everything.

I went out to the market to get some food, Jamie specifically asked for her favourite frozen pizza, she eats that shit all the time. As I walked through the isles of the store, something caught my eye, a post card from the Park Hill Flats. Jamie and I have an odd history with that place. I immediately got inspiration for my last song and texted Jamie as soon as I left the store.

When I got back to my shared apartment, I ran up the stairs and quickly unlocked the door. When I opened the door I fell flat on my face and yelled "FOCKIN HELL" I heard Jamie giggle slightly. Of coarse I tripped over one of the thousand pairs of shoes I had.

When I got to Jamie's room she asked why it took so long and if I bought her her shitty pizza " Yes, Jamie, you twat, of coarse I did" I said in a sarcastic tone. She got up to show me her outfit, I whistled and said she looked cute. God I love this girl, although we've known each other all my life I only realized how much I loved her last year during my tour. We were high off our asses and we were cuddling on a couch watching mean girls. She looked into my eyes and said "the fuck you want, cunt?" That's when I knew she was the one. But it's been around a year now and I doubt she feels the same. She probably just sees me as and older brother.

We set off in the car to head to Park Hill, "I want food mate." She said. It's like she can read my mind cause that's when I was about to ask her if she was hungry. I pulled up to the nearest McDonald's to get her and I food. She got her usual order of nuggets and a strawberry milkshake and I got my favourite meal, a happy meal. I knew it pissed Jamie off every time I got it. But yet again she was worrying about me.

We finished our food and got back in the car, she played one of her favourite songs, turned of the music and fell asleep to my singing. I loved it whenever she fell asleep because of my singing, it made me feel calm.  After thirty minutes of driving to Park Hill, I quickly pushed Jamie and yelling to wake her. I'm such a twat. She woke up slowly after so rudely telling me to fuck off, but once she got out of the car I noticed a total change in mood. Now she was clam and peaceful, very different from her ADHD hyped up self.

Y/n and I have a odd history with Park Hill. We've come here many times, we've been here to talk, rant and sometimes just get plastered. But this place is my new inspiration, I wanted to write a song about this place. How much impact it has on some people and how the story of this place is completely ignored.

I grabbed the two bottles of vodka and handed one to Jamie. She smiled and thanked me quietly, opened it and took a long swig. I opened the carton of cancer sticks and lit one up, sharing it with her. Today I was going to tell her how I felt, and also tell her about my new song I was going to write. And hopefully get drunk enough so that we don't remember. 

I watched Jamie walk to our bench, it was our bench because we always sat there, we wrote out names into it just to make it official. She sat down and took a long haul of the cigarette, then a swig from the bottle.

I sat next to the short girl. "I've got to tell you something" I told her sounding more excited then wanting to. "Me too, I think you'll laugh at this." Jamie said, giggling. She was already tipsy, I don't blame her she is a fucking lightweight. "You go first" I told her. "I've met someone," My heart stopped, I was too late to tell her how I felt. I don't blame her for meeting someone though, I didn't expect her to like me back nor did I expect her to wait all this time if she did. "I met him at Rosa's, he's a skater and he's really kind." She sounded happy about all this. I tried my best not to look or sound disappointed. "Congrats love, how long have you known him for?" I was dying inside. But it's not her fault. "About two weeks. We're going out in three days. It's going to be my first actual date, mate!" She and I giggled at the fact that she rhymed.

For the rest of the night we just cuddled on our bench and giggled about dumb shit. Finally when the bottles were done and I smoked two packs, we went to sleep in the car, no way were any of us driving. Jamie looked up at me and quietly said " I love you mate, you know that. Your my best friend and I hope everything goes well for you in life." She leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Thanks cutie, now go to bed and get ready for one of the worst hangovers ever tomorrow" She giggled and then whispered " oh shit I'm so focked".  And with that we fell asleep, in each other's arms, in the backseat of our shitty car. 

Lol yeet. I like it though, it's cute to have a Dom pov

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