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Jamie's POV

I woke up to the sound of movement around me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Dom getting out of the car, going to the trunk and coming back with a water bottle and some pain killers. I lifted my head to feel the worst head ache I've probably ever felt in my life. I sat up groaning loudly causing Dom to laugh at me. Of course he was fine, like usual but I was half past dead.

I chugged some of the water then took three pills, I needed them to work fast. I finished the water bottle and watched as Dom took of his sweatshirt and hand it to me "Thanks babes. I need food, I'm so hungover it's not even funny" I mumbled to Dom. "We're going home right away so you can sleep more comfortably and then I'll make you breakfast. It is only 9:35 a.m anyway, love." He always took care of me. That's why I loved him, he was always so selfless.

We started driving in silence and I fell back asleep. About an hour later I felt strong arms lifting me up and taking me out of the car. I was half asleep and was slightly confused, I realized Dom was carrying me to my bed. He smelt so good, his cologne smelt slightly of cinnamon, I know it sounds creepy, but I could smell him all day long if I could. Dom placed me in my cozy bed and kissed me in my forehead "G'night, love." I blushed as he said that, hopefully he didn't notice and with that he left me alone to sleep off the left over alcohol that was trapped in my system.

What felt like five minutes later, I smelt pancakes. I love pancakes. I got out of bed feeling much better than before. I checked my phone, it was 3pm. I walked into the kitchen and saw Dom in only a pair of sweatpants and one pink sock, I giggled at this sight and wondered where the hell his pink sweatshirt was. "Liking my sweatshirt, I see, I hope you didn't get any Jamie juices on it. Gross" he said sarcastically. It was almost as if he could read my mind. I looked down and saw his huge sweater on me, almost at my knees. I sat down at the breakfast bar, waiting for a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. Dom pored me a cup of coffee and set down a huge stack of pancakes that I totally couldn't finish myself. "What the fok am I suppose to do with all this food!? I can't possibly eat it all, like Jesus we're sharing all this" Dom shrugged his shoulders and got us both forks. I took a huge bite and melted into the flavour. Did I mention how much I love pancakes.

After we ate I decided to take a nice long shower. I really needed to refresh after last night. As I took off my pj bums and Dom's sweater I got a text

Sk8r boii 😎🤘
Hey loser, want to come over, feeling down and maybe we could talk.

It was Gabe. The guy I "met" at Rosa's, I wasn't totally honest with Dom about him and I felt horrible about it but yet again, it was one of my only dirty secrets. Gabe and I knew each other for a while now, about two years. We were basically friends with benefits, if one of us was feeling shit, we'd hit each other up. Usually we'd talk for a good while, rant about what was going wrong in our life, then fuck. It wasn't healthy in my opinion but it was nice to have someone to talk to other than Dom and someone to fuck with no strings attached.

Slim shady👅🖕
Sure but I'm not drinking, I'm getting over a hangover rn.

Sk8r boii😎🤘
Alright , I'll pick you up at around 11, sound good?

Slim shady👅🖕
Hell yea, all good, see you then cutie😘🖕

I got into the shower and just sat. I usually sit in the shower when I'm really really tired. I finally got up to wash my hair and started to shave. Everything. I got out and dried off. It was only 3pm, damn I got home at around 10 am and slept till 3 and had pancakes once I woke up. Living that rock and roll life I guess. Since I was only getting picked up at 11, I put on clean pj bums but wore Doms sweatshirt, I loved how it smelt like him. I put my damp hair in a messy bun and walked out of my room.

Dom noticed me still wearing his oversized sweatshirt and laughed at me. "You look like a girlfriend" I blushed at that comment only making him laugh harder. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm going to Gabe's place" then I remembered I never really told Dom much about him. I'm gonna have to come clean I guess. "Who the fuck is Gabe, ooh is he the mystery skater boy from Rosa's?" He was more excited then I was. "Listen, Dom, I kinda lied to you about him. I've known him for about two years. He's a close friend, if ya know what I mean" I winked and wiggled my eyebrows a few times. I noticed Dom scrunch up his face a little, I knew he wasn't too happy to hear I had some guy to fuck for almost two years without telling him.

I knew I made a mistake by telling him about Gabe but I couldn't bare the guilt of keeping this a secret. "So.... you've just been fucking some guy, but your not in a relationship with him?" He asked. "No. But if I were to ever be in a relationship, with anyone else, of course I'd stop seeing him." I reassured him, hopefully he didn't think I wasn't loyal, because I am. After that awkward conversation, I went back to my room to scroll through Tumblr, Twitter and also to get some homework done.

•time skip•

I checked my phone and realized I had 30 minutes to get ready before Gabe came over. I put on my favourite pair of black lingerie and an outfit that screamed me

 I put on my favourite pair of black lingerie and an outfit that screamed me

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I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and put in some light makeup.

Dom walked in the bathroom. "Oh sorry, didn't know you were I here, you look nice, where you headed this late, young lady?" I giggled and answered "Gabe's place, remember?" He grunted in response. I guess he was still upset, but I don't get why, it's not like we're a couple nor am I doing anything wrong. "So what's like... the agreement you two have? Can you just show up whenever?" I was glad he was asking questions, to me that meant he was trying to understand in order to not be mad about it. " I usually go over there to vent, I don't need to dump all my problems on you so I go to him.  After I feel better and have an actual conversation with him, we mess around. But just know after all that I do talk to you, I don't have any secrets to keep from you other then this." He looked confused for a second, then his face softened. "Whatever works for you, love.  As long as I always get to know what's up." He giggled and kissed my forehead. God how I love it when he gives me forehead kisses. That's why I was going to see Gabe, to vent about Dom. But he texted first. So I need to help Gabe out, then I can vent.

I got a text from Gabe saying he was outside, I began to grab my things and slip on my shoes.  As I started to leave, I heard Dom singing an unfamiliar song. "I love ya, will you marry me, oh what a shame we gotta pay for reality" I sighed and left without saying goodbye.

Damn. Tell me what y'all think. Love ya

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