Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

"Oh my God! Beth!"

"What is it now Janice?" said the harried cashier, Beth, who'd been working the same job for the last fifteen years.

"You'll never believe who I delivered a pizza to!" said the excited delivery girl, Janice.

"Who was it?"

Janice was probably college school aged, maybe a freshman, and the older cashier didn't seem to care about anything the younger girl had to say. But she humored her.

Derek didn't particularly care either. He just wanted to eat his pizza. He and Nori had their first date in the very same pizza parlor. He originally planned to take her to a fancy restaurant on their first date but the wait was two hours and he brought her here to Mike's New York Pizza. When they were finally reunited he was going to bring her here and he was going to ask her to be his wife.

"I just delivered a pepperoni pizza to Theo Masterson! OMG! He's my favorite actor! I've loved him ever since I saw him in the Pennsylvania Story! It was such a good movie!" gushed the overly enthusiastic delivery girl. Derek turned to her, his interest in her ramblings were finally piqued.

"Do you think Richie will let me keep the credit card receipt! It has his signature. Even the way he writes is so cute!"

Derek walked up to the girl. "Hey. So I couldn't help but overhear you. So, uh, where was Theo Masterson staying?"

"Derek," groaned Beth, "you're not going on about the whole Theo Masterson kidnapped Nori thing again. She's gone. We all saw the article. I know what you're going through. And my heart goes out to you. You guys were perfect for each other, but Theo Masterson did not kidnap her."

"Were perfect for each other? Sounds like you've given up, too."

"You know that's not what I'm saying Derek. You guys were some of our best customers when she lived here and I knew from the start you were perfect for each other. So don't put words in my mouth."

"Then you should understand why I need to find her."

"What's he talking about?" said the delivery girl, Janice. She must not follow the news. Anyone and everyone he knew had seen all the late night talk shows making fun of him. The article had not gone over well and he was surprised someone hadn't heard about it.

"His girlfriend went missing back in September and he thinks Theo Masterson kidnapped her," said Beth.

"Oh, I think I did hear about that. You're that crazy guy. The one who got an article in People magazine about Theo. He's so nice. And he gave me a huge tip today. No way did he kidnap anyone."

"Was he with anyone when you delivered the pizza?" asked Derek, hoping that Nori was there.

"Yeah, that girl I saw with him on TMZ. The one he went to all those clubs with. You know who I mean. The blonde one that they said he's dating. She's so lucky." Unfortunately the peppy delivery girl was not the source of information that Derek had been hoping for. There was a long uncomfortable silence. "So, Beth, what do you think about me keeping the receipt."

"Janice, Richie won't let you keep that receipt. It's against the tax policies. Turn it in, now." The girl reluctantly pulled her receipts from her pocket and handed them directly to Beth.

"Ugh, you're such a spoil sport, Beth. But at least I can go stalk him outside the Tonight Show. He's going to be on it tomorrow night and maybe I can get an autograph for real. And he's on Good Morning America on Thursday. A new signature might even be better. It doesn't have to be on a greasy old receipt."

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