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"What's your name, miss?"

The man behind the counter asks, waiting with a cup in his hand.

"It's Julia," I reply as I pay him the amount of money with cash.

I walk towards the end of the counter and look around. I see my friend Claire sitting in front of the window on the other side of the tiny coffeehouse. She's holding the camera and filming me, while I goof around.

"Two iced vanilla lattes?" I hear, "for... Julia?"

I quickly turn around and feel my cheeks getting red. As I take the drinks and thank the girl behind the counter I walk over to Claire. I hand her the drink and sit next to her.

"Thanks," she says, "quite some money for a drink like this" she laughs.

I nod in agreement as I take a sip. "I guess that's what LA is about," I reply and look over my shoulder, out the window.

We're in a small neighbourhood somewhere in Los Angeles. To be truly honest I have no idea where we are actually. We just arrived in Los Angeles for our 4 week holiday. We booked an Airbnb and were told by the owner to come to this cafe. We took an uber to get here but were asleep for almost the whole ride.

As I let my mind wander off, I feel Claire poking in my side.

"You think that's him?" She asks me.

I look over to where she points to and see an older man approaching us. He was probably in his 40s and was wearing a suit that fit his slim body perfectly. A very expensive watch was sitting on his wrist and my eyes focus on his Gucci loafers.

"I sure hope it is," I reply as I take another sip of my drink.

The man, with facial similarities of Steve Carrell, reaches out for a handshake. "Hi," he says as Claire and I introduce ourselves, "nice to meet you, I'm Michael."

I chuckle since he looked like Steve Carrell and now all I could see was Michael Scott from the office. He sits in front of us and looks at us with a stern face. "I have good news and bad news," he starts and my stomach twists. My eyes meet Claires' and she looks at me worried.

The man chuckles. "Don't worry yet!" He says, "the apartment I had for you is not available yet since the current guests missed their flight and had to wait for another week to go home." I sigh slightly relieved but Claire still looks at him with worries. "Alright," she says, "and what's the good news?"

"The good news is that I do have another place for you," he starts, "its a bit further away from the city centre but I have a car there that you can use. Also, it's a great upgrade."

A small smile grew on my face, then he suddenly gets up from his chair. "Let me take you there right now," he says, "if you don't like it I'll pay for the hotel until the other guests have left the apartment."

I look at Claire and she nods, so we get our bags and coffee and follow him out the cafe and to his car that was parked right in front of the cafe. I just hope we're not being naive and getting kidnapped. We get into the Tesla, very excited to be in a Tesla for the first and probably the only time in our lives and off we go.

An hour and lots of small talks later we arrive at a gate. Michael pushes a button on his phone and the gate opens. Our jaws simultaneously dropped as we saw the house. It was amazing!

"I get the feeling you two like this," Michael chuckles.

"So far so good," I answer with a smile.

After we get out of the car and got our bags, Michael gives us a tour of the house. It's not that huge inside but it was definitely spacious. It has 2 large bedrooms with 2 bathrooms, a giant kitchen and living room and a backyard that had a large pool and an amazing view over a valley while the sun has almost set. Somehow I get the feeling I've seen this view before.

As I stare off in the distance I hear Sophie asking Michael the price of our stay. I walk up to them and tell him we couldn't possibly afford a house like this.

"Don't be silly," Michael says, "you'll pay the same price as for the apartment. It's not your fault you have to stay here!"

I give Michael a hug in my excitement and Claire starts jumping around like crazy.

"Thank you thank you thank you, Michael! That is amazing," I say.

"Wait," he says and he walks inside.

I look at Claire confused, she returns the favour.

"Don't forget the keys to your new car," he says as he comes back.

He hands me a car key, that has "RANGE ROVER" all on the side of it.

"No way!" I yell, "where is it?"

He led us through a small gate on the side of the house to the car to the garage and opened it. Right in front of me, I see the car of my dreams, the Range Rover Sport.

Claire screams something that sounds like "oh my god" and my jaw has dropped again. Now we both hug Michael as he laughs, hard.

"Well I'll leave you two to it, just call me when you need something", he says and gets into his car. We wave until he's out of sight, look at each other in complete disbelieve and walk back to the house.

"Pinch my arm please," I ask and she does.

"Ouch, what the heck" I scream right after.

"What?" She says, confused, "you asked me".

"I know," I say, "I just can't believe this is happening right now."

"Me neither", Claire says and she jumps on the large sofa in the living room. I sit beside her and we look out the giant windows. Through the windows, we look into the backyard and we look at all the little lights of the city in the distance.

"Do you recognize the view as well?" I ask her and she nods.

"Somehow I feel like I've been here before," she replies. She stretches out and yawns. "Well, I'm wrecked, I think I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah me too, good night," I say and we both get into our separate rooms. It's not that I don't want to sleep in the same bed but four weeks is too long to not have a separate room.

I get on the bed and lay down. It's really comfy with the AC on and many pillows and blankets. It doesn't take me long to feel my eyes close and I fall into a deep sleep.



Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it!

The first chapter there is nooo twin action but don't worry because there's a lot more to come!!!

IF you liked it then please let me know by voting for it and feel free to comment anything you like! I hope you're just as excited about this journey as I am! Love you all,


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