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The bell rings and less than a second after I hear Ethan yelling that I have to get it. I get up from the couch and walk to the door. As soon as I open it I hear James screaming "HI SISTER" and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Hi sister James," I chuckle, "that was one sister scream. Mind the neighbours will you?"

James laughs and walks past me right to the kitchen.

"Do you guys have any sister snacks?" He asks as he opens our snack drawer.

I laugh at him and let him do his thing. I sit on a chair at the dining table.

"HI SISTER," Ethan screams at James, and he replies the same.

"So how was your day so far boys?" James ask after he and Ethan also sit with me.

"It was pretty funny actually," Ethan starts, making James raise his eyebrows.

"Enlighten me, sis," he says, placing his hands under his chin.

"Well, we were going out for lunch," Ethan starts, "and there were these two girls sitting in the restaurant, having fun, you know, the usual I guess."

"ooOoOOOoo" James squeals and I laugh at his weird sound. "Go on"

"So they were also filming themselves, and this one girl,"

"Julia," I quickly say before Ethan could finish his sentence.

"Yes," Ethan says slightly annoyed, "Julia. She sticks fries up her nose, snort them out and then the girls were escorted out the restaurant."

"You're kidding," James says, jaw dropped almost on the table. "Oh my god, what happened next"

"Well, we just finished our food, apparently Julia winked at Gray while being pushed out. The other girl, Claire, was literally thrown out the restaurant."

"Oh wow, rude," James says, now with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah so when we walked out they were talking about us apparently 'cause we heard them say our names and we got a picture with them," Ethan finishes.

"Yeah and Ethan has not stopped talking about Claire so far, and how he wants to meet up with her and stuff," I then say smiling at Ethan. James wiggles his eyebrows at him.

"Yeah sure, okay Gray," He says annoyed, "Let's talk about Julia then?"

I quickly look at my hands and feel my cheeks warm up.

"Do you guys have any pictures of them?" James asks, "I'm really curious now okay?"

I get my phone and open instagram. I go to my profile and search for the picture that was made today, hoping they posted it already. After a minute I find it and show it to James.

"OoOoo," James says, "they are cute, sisters!"

"Let me see," Ethan says and grabs my phone out of James' hands. He then searches for their profiles on his own phones and follows them. He hands me my phone back and I do the same.

"Let's go outside," James says and he gets up. We follow him onto our little patio.

"So?" James starts, "what now? Are you going to slide in their DMs?"

We laugh and I shake my head. "Not me," I say, "I don't think Julia is really interested in me anyway. Claire was a fan of us though."

Ethan was not listening anymore, just creeping on Claire's instagram, so James and I just start talking about video idea's for the sister squad.

After a while we hear a scream, followed by an "OH MY GOD THEY FOLLOW ME" and an "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY FOLLOW ME". We get up and look to where the screams come from. James couldn't be bothered to get up though.

We see two familiar looking girls standing at a lookout point that was visible from our backyard.

"NO PROBLEM!" We yell back and wave at them. We see them hugging and we hug each other as well as we head back to James.

Ethan looks at his phone and says "Julia followed me back!"

I quickly look at my phone and see nothing.

"Aw sister sad because she didn't follow you back?" James asks, I nod and sit down next to him.

"Why wouldn't she though?" Ethan asks, and I shrug.

"Maybe she already follows you?" James asks, and I search for her username in my followers list but as I type her name nothing comes up.

"I don't know," I then say, "never mind, who cares anyway."

James and Ethan look at each other, shrug and then James suddenly claps his hands.

"Okay, then time for some more sister serious stuff?!" He says. "Are we, or are we not going to get some McDonalds, because I am sister starving!"

Ethan and I laugh as we walk inside, getting our wallets and car keys.

We walk outside the house, to Ethan's Jeep as we hear hysterical laughing. We see Julia and Claire riding their longboards.

"HEY!" Ethan yells, "come here!"

They look up and ride towards us.

"Thank you so much for the follow," Claire screams, and then she sees James. "OH MY GOD SISTER JAMES!"

James laughs and gives her a hug, followed by another "hi sisters" squeal.

I walk up to Julia and decided to ask her why she didn't follow me back.

"Hey," I say, and she smiles at me. "Why did you follow Ethan but not me?" I pout at her, trying to make it look like a joke.

"What?" She says confused as she gets her phone out of her back pocket. "I already followed you!"

I see her open instagram and going to her notifications.

"Oh no!" She then says, "I must have accidentally unfollowed you when I followed Ethan back! I'm so sorry!"

I chuckle and tell her that it's okay and that it was just a joke.


I look at him, asking to stop as my cheeks burn again. I just give her an awkward smirk.

"Hey sisters," James then says, and I look at him, thank you written in my eyes. "Why don't you come for a sister snack with us?"

"Yeah sure," Julia says smiling. "Where are you going?"

"Drive thru McDonalds," James says, "hope you won't get escorted out of a drive thru, can you sister succeed in that?"

We all laugh, and the girls agree to join us. We let them put their boards inside our house and they get in the backseat of the Jeep, James in-between both of them. I've never been more jealous of him than I am now. Julia is sitting right behind me.

"Ready to go?" Ethan asks as he turns on the engine.

"I'm sister starving" Claire says, immediately followed by a very proud high five of James. I look in the side mirror and I see Julia staring out of the window. I turn around and ask if she's okay. She replies with a nod and smile. I return the favour.

"Who wants the aux?" I then ask and Julia grabs it out of my hand.

"I heard you're a Neighbourhood fan Ethan?" She asks. Ethan screams HELL YEAH and she puts 'compass' on, leaving Ethan very satisfied with her choice and we drive away to the McDonalds. I quickly look at my phone and smile.

juliagraver started following you


Sooooo sister James is now part of the story and the girls are hanging out with the twins!!

thank you again so much for reading and as always: if you liked it please vote and leave comments!!


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