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As soon as we get out of the car I notice a different vibe from Julia. Did I say something wrong? I walk behind the girls with Ethan.

"Yo bro," I say to him. "I need to ask you something"

"What's up?"

"Did you notice a different vibe from Julia?"

"Nah not really, why?"

"Well, I complimented her in the car, that she looked nice" I start and Ethan nods. "But ever since she hasn't said a word in the car and she didn't even look at me?"

"Yeah that's weird," Ethan says, frowning. "Maybe she's just nervous, you never know with girls."

I laugh, "yeah you're right, never mind."

We catch up with them and Ethan is very flirty with Claire since today. Not that she seems to mind it, she's just as flirty back. Julia sits on a picnic table, and I sit next to her.

"Ready?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah I have to be I guess," she says. "I'm just sad that I have to do it without him or something. I don't know." She shrugs and looks me in the eyes. I nod and smile.

"I think it's amazing what you're doing," I say and she smiles. 

"Thank you Gray," she says.

We get interrupted by an instructor who comes up to us.

"Ready guys?" He asks. We all shout a "hell yeah" and follow him. We get into our suits and listen to everything the instructor tells us.

"Two can go at the same time," he says.

"Let's go separate," Claire says. "Then we both do it individually for Luke."

Julia nods and tears form in her eyes. She quickly explains to the instructor what happened and he gives her a hug.

"That's amazing, girls," he says and smiles. "So who goes first?"

"Ethan and I will," Claire says and we hug them goodbye.

"When they land, you guys go, okay?" The instructor says and we nod.

Julia talks with her jumping buddy about the situation and how she feels and I go get us a bottle of water. When I come back she sits outside by herself. I hand her the bottle and sit next to her in silence.

"Hey look!" she says after a while and points at the sky, "there they are!"

I look up to see two tiny dots and two parachutes. It looks awesome and by the thought that I get to do this again my stomach fills with excitement. 

"Ready guys?" the instructor asks us and leads us to the plane that just landed.

When we get in the plane I feel Julia grabbing my hand with her sweaty one as we start to take off.

"I'm really nervous Gray," she says and she looks at me with eyes filled with worry.

"You'll be fine!" I say, squeezing her hand. "I've survived my first!"

She laughs, shakes her head and looks out the window.

"Can we go first?" she asks her buddy who nods and slides forward. 

"One minute, Gray!" she shouts at me and I give her a thumbs up with a smile.

"You can do it!" I shout back at her. 

I look at them, her buddy reminding her what she needs to do. He counts down, 3.. 2.. 1...



"3.. 2.. 1.." I hear my buddy Jonathan shout in my ear and the light turns green. I feel him push us out of the plane and we freefall. I scream at the top of my lungs as I look down at the ground. I scream another 'oh my god' as the parachute opens. We then glide through the air.

"You okay?" Jonathan shouts and I shout a 'hell yeah' back. I look around me. The world has never looked so small to me and I feel all my other issues shrink to tiny bits.

"Do you mind if I tilt my head back?" I ask, he doesn't mind and I do so. 

We glide through the air and after a while, I look up and wave at Grayson who waves back.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Jonathan asks and I shake my head.

"No, he's not," I reply, "Do you think he should be?" I laugh.

"He seems to really care about you," He replies. "He talked about you a lot, you know"

"Please tell me," I say with a smile.

"How he admired you for doing this, how pretty he thinks you are. That kind of stuff."

"Well, who knows what the future holds right?" I say, but it gives me flutters when I think about it. I quickly try to push that thought out of my head. I did not want to let my vacation be affected by this.

"I think the other two are dating as soon as we land though," I laugh.

"Positive," he says. "I can see them kissing."

I look down and start to woo at them. They quickly look up and wave at us. We're almost at the ground and Jonathan tells me to put my legs up so I don't break anything. I do so and quickly after it I feel the ground hitting my butt. Jonathan unstraps me from him and I get up from the ground. I look behind me and see that Grayson just landed as well. We run towards each other while screaming it out. 

"YES! OH MY GOD GRAY," I shout at him while running towards him.

"I KNOW, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" he shouts back.

We run into each other and he hugs me so tight he almost suffocates. I pull away after a minute and look him in the eyes, full with sparkles. Suddenly I feel his lips pressed onto mine. I feel a rush going through my body and quickly pull away.

"Gray.." I say softly.

"Gray.." I say again, now more confident, "what the actual fuck?"

His face turns all red and he looks down.

"I'm sorry," he says, "I thought it was the right moment."

I shake my head, "It's not, I'm sorry," I say softly, "let's go back, okay?"

He nods and we walk towards Ethan and Claire. I feel shooketh, yet I put my arm around him and look up to meet his eyes. I smile and he returns the favour.

"Loser," I whisper and he chuckles.

"Can't help it," he shrugs with a smirk and my stomach manages to flutter again.

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