Chapter Four: The Pretty Girl

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"I'm dying."

Ophelia and I dropped our jaws while Viviane smiling calmly.

"WHAT!" We yelled again.

"I'm dying!!!"


I pointed the picture frame of Fourth in his high-school graduation beside the tv.

"Well... He's fine... I'm thinking of a good plan."

She stoke the picture of Fourth, tracing down his face and she seems gonna miss him.

"So what's your plan, huh Viviane?!" I questioned.

"I just need to find some dealer... a good dealer."

Viviane put her gaze at us, and suddenly smiled widely.

"Do you know some trustworthy dealer? Who can keep his or her promise till the end?"

She jumped at her seat, sitting on her knees, holding onto picture frame.

"Well... we know someone... but... what will you going to make... deal or contract?"

Ophelia glance at me when she asked Viviane.

We need to be careful with this Viviane...

She's very tricky... she might put Fourth into trouble.

"I'm just going to make a deal...
since I'm finding a way to live starting next week... I'll make a deal."

She shrugged confidently.

"What type of deal are you talking about?" I asked.

"A high quality deal." We widened our eyes at Viviane but she still wore the cocky look.

"High quality deal is tough in our pockets!" Ophelia frowned, slamming her hands on the table.

"I didn't say you're going to pay for it!" Viviane said in a low voice.

"You're going to pay for it?" We asked.

"Of course~ Don't worry."

She fish something in her coat, an envelope. then slide it at the table.

Ophelia pick the envelope full of money then stared at Viviane. "What is this?"

"Money." Viviane shrugged.

I shook my head and hand her money back.

"Why are you giving this?"

"I'm just keeping my promise." She shrugged again.

"We're rich like you, Viviane." Ophelia put the money on Viviane's lap and pat her shoulder.

"I know~ It's for the dealer if you find one." Viviane slide the envelope to us again.

"Why would you thought it's for you? Haha~"

"So tell me if you know someone who's suitable and trustworthy dealer." Viviane added.

I've been living my life for decays... still I haven't involved with any creature's dealers, manegers or some creature's pharmacist.

So in short... I do not know one.

I look at Ophelia who's thinking deeply in her mind.

"Do you know one, honey?" I asked.

"Well... I know one... She's actually a zealous dealer and a popular one...."

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