Chapter Eleven: Man in Black

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Instead of waiting for the class to end, Hanny roamed the school a bit so that she'll know the way to Fourth's classroom. She was amazed by the garden near the field and how big their canteen is. She also admire the view at the rooftop. She got herself at the second floor, where the big auditorium was, the space was big than the space at the field. She let herself wander and wander.
She walk in the backstage, unexpectedly heard voices. Familiar Voices...

"Is she doing alright?" A deep man's voice asked.
"Yes sir, they already transfer her to Mr. Park's son's section." Another man's voice said.
"Very well."

Hanny follow the tracks of the familiar voice and unexpectedly saw a expected face.
The man in black noticed her and gave her a smile. "Atarah." Hanny knelt down and clutching her chest tightly. "Sto-stop." She gave the guy a glare, gritting her teeth. She stepped back trying to get feet away from away from the guy. "Ah. Sorry, your name is Hanny... right?" He sarcastically said, leaning towards Hanny with the support of his unbrella. The another guy beside him stared at Hanny. "Sir, I think she had enough." The guy politely said. "Help her stand." He ordered and opening his umbrella and left.

The guy gave her his two hands and helped her to stand. "Are you okay, Hon?" He worriedly asked. Hanny reassured him that she's fine. "Thanks, Gun." She smiled. "I'm very sorry I can't protect you earlier." He pouted. "It's okay, Gun." She smiled again, releasing her hand off her chest.
"Gun!" The man shouted. "I must go, Hon. Get yourself a good rest." He said patting her head gently and left.

Ugh... I hate that old man.

Hanny peep outside, carefully looked at the empty space and she can now walk peacefully when she can't see any shadows outside. "Huft." Hanny sighed and headed back to the classroom.

Bell Ranged

Hanny quietly watch the kids got out and waited for Fourth to go to the locker. "Come out now." Fourth said to the air. Hanny visible herself and flew beside him. "Can we go? My butt really hurts just sitting here." Hanny snorted, massaging her butt. "Okay, let's grab a bite before we'll go to home." Hanny gazed at Fourth, giving him a confused face. "I'm going to sleep in your house?" She asked. Fourth shook his head no and smiled. "My mother want to meet you and also my father... and I would like to introduce you to my siblings." He smiled. "You got siblings?" Hanny asked and Fourth nodded. "How about Viviane? What's your relationship?" Fourth shrugged, putting his bag on his shoulder. "I don't know, she said she's been watching me since I was born." He laughed. "Weird right?" He chuckled and Hanny nodded.

"Ah. I remembered... you want to ask me a question earlier but I think you forgot to tell me when I change the subject." Fourth said.
"My question ealier is: How much do you pay Viviane for guarding you?" I asked and Fourth wrinkled. "We're not paying her, I don't really know what's her real purpose for guarding me but it's fine for me tho."

We arrived to a small food stand and it's near from school. Fourth ordered food for us and obviously, he paid for it. We spend the time awkwardly, not knowing what to say, I just want to vanish and relax my ass in the purgatory but that won't seriously happen. Fourth finished his food while I'm here figuring how to cut this awkward ambiance.

"Are you sleeping in my house?" Fourth said as he sat down and lean to the chair. I shook my head and swallowing the food faster.
"Me? No. I have to babysit after my appointment with you." "But are you going here with me? Tomorrow?" He asked, opening his drink. "Of course, duty is duty." I smiled and threw the paper plate in the trash can. "Ahhh." He nodded and got up. He lead the way to his house and after several minutes, we arrived.

We got in the elevator and he pressed 5th floor. He looked at me in the back and smiled.
"By the way, what are you?" He asked. I tilted my head to the side and frown. "What do you mean?"
"Well, Viviane is a vampire, pureblood tho aaand I just want to know what's your species."

I chuckled and gave him a smile. This guy is naive.
"Don't call it species darlin'." I smiled.
"It sounds like we're animal or somethin'." I laughed. He giggled and scratch his neck, leaving a red marks around it. "Sorry, are you offended?"
"Not really. Aaand back to your question." I clear my throat and looked at him straight. "I'm just like Viviane." He widened his eyes, raising his brows to his forehead and nodded. "Pureblood?" He asked and I nodded. "Does every vampire has the same weakness and strength?" I shook my head and swallow my saliva.

"Let me explain it you....."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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