Chapter Ten: Small World.

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"Run, Alice! Run!"
"I'll come with you!"

Hanny, and Kim siblings are watching Alice Through the looking glass. The room was loud as Alice doesn't want to leave Hatter alone.

"DAMN GIRL! LEAVE NOW OR YOU'LL WITH HATTER!" Hanny yelled, throwing a pillow to the tv. "OH GOD! YOU GOT NO TIME LEFT, DAUGHTER OF A B**CH!" Mark yelled too as he munch his popcorn harshly. "OH GOD! YOU'VE WATCH THIS SEVERAL TIMES!" Daniel shouted at the two and Francine who almost fall asleep flinched by Daniel's voice, she's now wide awake, glaring at her old fellows. "Keep your voice down, would you?" Francine sighed and walked silently to her room. "It's because of this freaking Alice." Hanny glared at Alice who's running to the clock tower. "I agreed, Hanny... I agreed."

Time skip~~

The kids decided to get their heads on their pillows and cuddle with their blankets. Hanny made sure her friends are in their own wonderland. Hanny smiled as she put her shoes on and ready to go. She opened her umbrella and let the wind take her to her whereabouts. After a few minutes, she arrived at Viviane's apartment. She told to stay at the roof top and wait for her. She landed on the table that has a note on it.

Heeeeyyy Haney!
I'll be there in any minute!
There's a bunch of soju under the table and beside it there's a two burgers just for you!
Make yourself comfy on the couch at the right corner! Wait for me, dear! 😘

Hanny chuckled as she looked at the spelling of her name above the note. "This woman is very interesting." She mumbled. I bend down to see a box of soju and a tupperware beside it, she opened it and saw a two warm burgers. She smiled as she brought them to the couch and lay down.
She opened her phone and the first thing she saw is Seung-ae's message. She opened it and read it silently.

Ms. Hanny. Help me to make him drink the potion!
I'm out of ideas!

Hanny sighed and replied back.

Ms. Ra, I'm sorry but I can't assure you for your request, it's out of my responsibilities as your dealer. Please find another who can help you with that.

She sighed again and put her phone on her side.


Ms. Ra, I'm sorry but I can't assure you for your request, it's out of my responsibilities as your dealer. Please find another who can help you with that.

I was ready to throw my phone as I red her message. UGH! YOU USELESS BASTARD! I shouted in my mind, letting my anger spread im my room.
"Honey! Shut it, okay?!" A scream but sweet voice shouted. "Yes, Mom!" I replied. I'm out of ideas and starting to think about Francine and Daniel... Max's siblings...

RIGHT! Max's siblings!


After waiting for Viviane for half an hour Viviane finally arrived. Viviane woke the sleeping Hanny on the couch and she lead Hanny to Fourth's school.
"Let's get in my car!" Viviane smiled, moving her keys in circular motion in the air. "Sorry, Ms. Viviane. But I'd rather fly than to take a ride." Hanny tittered as she stood up and stared at Viviane's keys. "Why? Do you have phobia of cars or something?" She laughed. "No, Ms. Viviane. I got sick when I drive... I have car sick... I can't handle the feeling of being drag by a machine." Hanny shivered as she tighten her grip on to her umbrella. "Then... let's fly, dear." Viviane suddenly floated and Hanny looked shocked.
"How the heck can you fly without an umbrella?!" Hanny screamed. "Umbrella? Hah! Did your father thought you that you should have an umbrella for you to fly?" Viviane chuckled. "Yes, Ms. Viviane! He told I should use umbrella for me to fly!" Hanny nodded rapidly, making Viviane laugh.

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