Chapter 5: Do You Know Hanny?

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[Third Person's View]

The couple told Viviane to look over the apartment while they're out to look for the girl named 'Hanny'.

1st Attempt: Ms. Lins & Mr. Ryeok

The door opened as soon they knocked.


"Third~ My man!"

"Long time no see!" Mr. Ryeok a.k.a. Seungcheol Ryeok, welcomed the couple to their house.

"Seungcheol! It's been a year!"

Third threw a hug to his friend, patting their backs with a laugh.

"You also brought your wife!"Mr. Ryeok politely bowed at Ophelia while Ophelia did the same.

"My wife will be glad to see you!"

Mr. Ryeok said while he lead his guest to their living room where Ms. Lins and their son are.

"Is this your son, Seungcheol?" Third pointed the boy who's keeping his eyes at the TV.

"He grew so fast, right?" Third nodded as Mr. Ryeok laughed cockily.

"It's really nice to see you again!" Ms. Lins a.k.a Rylyn.

"Ry! You still look the same!"

Ophelia and Ms. Lins leave a peck on each others cheeks.

"Sit sit." Ms. Lins patted the couch and gave the couple a comfortable pillows.

"Juice? Water? Or coffee?" Ms. Lin asked.

"Just water." Third said.

They are now settled before they start to chat.

"What are you here for?" Ms. Lins asked as she gave the couple a water.

"Oh right..." Ophelia put her glass down and spoke.

"Do you have any contact number, email address or business card of Hanny Song?"

"We really need her badly." Third added with a sincere voice.

"We have her old contact number but I heard she changed it after our contract ended." Mr. Ryeok sighed.

"Sadly to say, we lost our connections." He added.

Third and Ophelia sighed and glance to each other.

2nd Attempt: Mr. Johnsons

"Sorry but I never heard about her since last year."

Attempt 3: Sister Agatha

"Hanny never told me her details or anything, she just come here to talk whenever she's free."

Attempt 4: Neighborhood of Hanny at her old apartment

"Nah~ She always leave and come back at her apartment from 2 o'clock in the morning to 12 midnight."

"I never had the chance to talk to her or get her number."

Attempt 5: Mr. Santiago

[Insert Mexican accent]

"Oh~ Lo Siento, señorita." Mr. Santiago sobbed.

"I can't reach my muchacha anymore and I heard she already moved at the main city."

Attempt 6: -unknown-

"Eh? I don't care about her but I care about our deal." He shrugged.

"And I heard that she always change her number when the contract or the deal is over"

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