Chapter Nine: Let's Meet!

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[Hanny's POV]

Viviane called me exactly 12am, saying that we should meet at the famous food chain in town at 3pm... I turn my eyes at my alarm clock and it was just 12:38 pm, perfect for a lovely lunch at the town square. I got up and decided to change my clothes into neat ones and brought my umbrella with me and flew away. I gazed at every rooftop I passed through my dark sun glasses, smiling at every child's laugh I've heard. I gently touch the ground in a small alley, which means there's no one around. I headed to the main road and letting my ears hear a bunch of noise. But thankfully, the food chain that Viviane was talking about wasn't far from the alley I came from.

"Good afternoon! Welcome!" A small... wait... how do I describe him? If I describe him with the word small... it's very disrespectful if you would say it.
Okay~ a CUTE man smiled at me while he gently mopped the floor. He got a very deep dimple on his cheeks, revealing his sweet smile.
"Good afternoon to you too." I smiled back, walking to the counter after I respectfully bowed at him. "Hey, Lily!" I exclaimed, making the girl at the counter flinched. "You scared me, Hanny!" Lily frowned, slamming the receipt on the counter. "Calm down, dear." I chuckled. "I'm just here for my usual lunch." I shrugged, patting Lily's shoulders. "Wait for a minute and your order will be here." She snorted, still frowning at me and walked in the kitchen. With that, I lean on my chair, looking at the time, 1:18.

I think I'm a bit early. No... too early!

I hooked my phone inside my pocket and start texting Woohun.

Woonie! It's emergency!

Be sure it's really something emergency thingy!

Yes, it is!

Then what is it?

I'm drowned...

You're drowned? And you can still text with me?

I mean, not literary!


I'm drowned with boredom

Okay, then?

Just get my boredom away and talk to me

I have better and useful things to do

So, bye!

Wait! I'm really bored!

You told me it's emergency! And now it's like it does not!

Just talk to me.

I really need to go, kay? TTYL👋


I sighed, placing my phone in front of my sight.
"Here." Lily smiled, placing the tray of foods in front of me. "Thanks." I smiled back. "What brings you here, dear? It's been a month since you ate your favorite dishes here." Lily said without looking at me, focusing her eyes at her notebook.
"I have to meet someone..." I stabbed the cake with my fork, slicing it with my knife. "New boyfie? or a client?" Lily gave me a silly smirk, making me frown in disgust. "I'm not here for stupid boyfies, Lil'. Work is work." I looked at my cup and drank slowly for I don't want to burn my beautiful tongue. "You're such a workaholic woman, you should learn what is fun though." She gave me my receipt, giving me a additional iced mocha. "Why are you giving me another cup of coffee? Do you want me to drown in debts?" I pushed the coffee away from me but near to Lily. "You returned unexpectedly, so I'm giving you another cup." She winked, pushing the cup near me. "Whatever you say, Lily. I'm not gonna pay this." I smiled.

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