Chapter 6: Sure

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Give me 30 minutes for a run...


I ran and run until legs gave up...
I sat down on the bench, breathing loudy...

This won't happen to me if she didn't called me with a stupid reason.

"Oh dammit..."
I stood up and continued the race...
The road was full quiet but there's a lot of people around.
Panting while I run as I could.
Every step I take the breathing gets heavier.

Soon enough... I finally got in this freaking fancy café.
"Waah~ why the heck it's so far from my neighborhood?"
I let my jaw dropped as I wonder around blankly.

It was all golden yellow and silver white.
There's a chandeliers, expensive flower pots, colourful painting then there's a wooden floor, chairs, tables and ceilings but the aircon is not made of wood (of course!)

For the mean time... I was wandering around the café, putting my gazes at every fascinating objects I saw.

"Ah. Right." I went back to my senses when I remember the reason why I'm here.
I started looking for her, gazing at every girl in the room.
I went upstairs, but still I couldn't get any trace of her until someone poked me.
"Are you looking for me?" A sweet voice said.
I spun around, and saw a little body standing straight in front of me.

"Ms. Ra, I'm sorry I was late." I bowed.
"I was arrived late too, so don't sweat it." She pat my shoulder, tittering softly.
"Let's talk about the thing, Ms. Ra." I smiled.
"But first... Let's take a sit. I'm ridiculously tired."

Let me introduce you to my abusive and frustrating client.
Ms. Ra Seung Ae.

"What would you like to eat? My treat." She beamed, fishing her wallet inside her sling bag.

You think she's sweet and friendly?
Haha. You'll find yourself a fool when I tell you who and what she really was.

"I'm good with Vienna and water."

Seung Ae is a 'Yogoe' who's obsess with a human boy.
I don't want to know her story, but in my perspective view, she's insane... craaazy
She's wasting her money just to get that boy.
I thought we're only gonna meet up just once but, the second goes to fifth meet ups was unexpected.
I did not thought she was that terribly obsess!
She's abusing my power with her money.
She even tried to kill me but hell no!
She got no guts.
I won't let her kill my dearest face.
She's just resembling my another client who's obsess with a human boy too.
If it weren't for her money... I wouldn't be successful like my dad.
I really knew I could survive without his stupid nags.

"Hey. Do you have a problem? You look like you do." She chortled.

She's just nice if she needs something.
Ugh.. she really disgusted me.

"Don't worry~ It's just about my next meeting."
She gave me a annoying smile and chortled.
"Let's get to the point, Hanny." She said and suddenly the waiter put our orders on the table.
"Thanks." I said, bowing at the waiter.
"What do you need this time, Seung-ae?"

"Same reason but this is different this time."
She smirked as she took a sip on her latte.
"Tell me now, so I can go."
She put down her cup and beamed.
"I just want you to give me some potion."
"What kind of potion?" I asked, stirring my precious Vienna~

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