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   Mai got married young to her first love it was a small town and after high school she followed her now husband to california so he can pursue his dreams and build his career, she was his biggest cheerleader. they got married right after Louis graduated college and after that they bought their first house. they wanted a big family, she wanted 4 kids , 2 boys and 2 girls ,and Louis just wanted to make her happy. it was the house she always wanted , a luxurious contemporary home with lots of big windows it has a chimney for cozy cuddling on the couch in the winter and a black shingled roof. the yard was beautiful with fluffy green grass and rose bushes lining the front of the house and a stone walkway leading up to the huge wooden front door. the back yard has a crystal blue pool and a hot tub to the right with a secret stair case leading to the 2nd story balcony that was connected to the master bedroom.

One day Mai was coming home from the store with food to cook for dinner. She was going to suprise Louis and make him his favorite food, Lobster Tail and Filet with Bacon Mac n Cheese. But that wasn't the only surprise she had in store for him.

   Mai had found out she was pregnant only 1 week ago and couldn't wait to share the news with her husband.

   Mai and Louis have been trying for a baby for almost 3 years now with no luck and it's really been taking its toll on the relationship. Louis hasn't been acting like himself lately. He was very distant. But she hoped this news would fix the growing tension between them.

   She pulled into the drive way of their house and noticed a blue Honda Accord parked in the driveway it .She didn't know anyone who owned this vehicle, all their friends drove luxury sport cars. she could sense something wasn't right and her heart sunk to the bottom of her chest.

   She proceeded to back out of the drive way and park the car down the street instead of parking in the garage like she normally did , because the garage was to loud for her to sneak in successfully.Mai wanted to believe her husband would never hurt her and that he loved her but things weren't going good lately but she was hopeful her suspicions were wrong

   Praying the thoughts racing through her mind weren't true she walked quietly to the front door, turned the key, and slowly opened the door careful as to not make any loud sounds

   She took off her heels and set them aside and began walking upstairs to the bedroom. When she got closer to the door she began hearing faint sounds and as she got closer realized it was moaning.

   She waited at the door for a moment thinking about what to do. the thought crossed her mind that she should just walk away and act like she never heard anything because once she opens the door she knew everything would change and she wasn't ready for that but soon the anger grew and the thought faded away as she swung the door wide open.

   Louis's head quickly shoots up to see Mai who was standing at the threshold of the door devastated.

   After only a moment the realization of what she just witnessed set in and Mai began to cry. She didn't know what to say.

   Without thinking she turns and runs out of the house.

   Louis, after processing what just happend quickly threw on his silk black robe and ran after her, but was to late.

   Mai was already in her car and didn't have a destination she just drove and drove and drove. She had no family in california all she had was Louis and he just shattered her heart.

   Honestly Mai didn't know what she wanted to do. She loved him so much and couldn't bare the thought of living her life without him. he was her first for everything.

   during her drive Mai managed to ground herself enough to know she didn't want to act impulsively on her feelings of anger and sadness.

   She made the conscious decision to let things cool down for a few weeks and ignore his calls until she can make up her mind if she wants a divorce or not. she invested so much time and enjoyed her life style with Louis and still loved him, she wished there was just a switch that could just turn it all off.

   Mai wasn't just thinking about her she was thinking about her baby. The last thing she wants for her baby is for it to grow up without a father. She knows how hard it can be and she doesn't want that burden for her baby.

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