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As Mai was driving her eyes were puffy from the tears. It was getting late and Mai was trying to find somewhere to stop and rest for the night.

The nearest hotel was miles away from where she was. Her eyes began to feel very heavy. Without realizing her eyes shut and the next thing she saw was headlights headed straight for her.

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*2 weeks later Mai is in the hospital after the car accident*

Mai woke up not knowing where she was. In a daze she looked around the room and spotted Louis sleeping in a chair next to her with her hand in his hand.

She ripped her hand out of his grip which woke Louis up.

Louis stood up, "Thank God your ok baby" he made an attempt to embrace her but she pushed him away.

"I have nothing to say to." she says "go away!"

"Well I have something to say to you, when were you planning on telling me you are pregnant?"

"I was going to tell you tonight over dinner but , you know, plans changed when you decided to fück some other women in our bed."

"You mean 2 weeks ago, you have been in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks" he said trying to reach for her hand again but she pulled her hand away once more. "The baby is at high risk right now Mai...the doctor said your possibly going to lose the baby"

Mai began to cry. Her life was just crumbling into peices right in front of her eyes. "I dont understand."

"What don't you understand Mai?"

"What didn't I do? Because I put my whole heart and soul into this relationship I did everything for you"

"Baby, I made a mistake. Their isn't a single thing you didn't do, I'm so sorry Mai you have no idea. This is all my fault."

"Its hard to believe you Louis, I feel like everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. How do I know if your not just saying that so you can hurt me all over again."

"Why would I want to hurt you on purpose?!"

"You tell me Louis, Its kind of hard to believe your penis accidentally fell into her vagina, so don't even try it."

Louis took a deep breath "no excuses, I know what I did was wrong and I know it hurt you and I am so sorry."

"Why did you do it? And who is she?"

"Her name is Valery, she is one of my employees. She came to my office about a problem with her manager. For the next 2 weeks she continued coming to my office and each visit she started to get more and more friendly."

Louis face fell into his hands in shame. "I told her I'm married but she ignored me. I got caught in the moment"

"How many times?"


"How many times did you have sëx with her Louis?!"

"4 maybe 5 times , but it didn't mean anything my love I promise."

"Are you kidding me what the fück."

"I know I'm sorry baby please forgive me, I won't do it ever again. I'll never talk to her again, I need you in my life Mai"

"Honestly if I lose this baby, its over."

"Baby, plea-"

"I would like it if you would leave me alone now I need to rest"

Louis respected her request and left the hospital room, but he didn't go home he just waited outside, he would never forgive himself if he went home and Mai lost the baby.

He knew she was probably never going to take him back even if she didn't lose the baby but he knew for sure he was going to be in the babys life. All he ever wanted was a happy family and he ruined his chance.



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