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  *Louis house*

  Louis was upstairs in the attic looking at old pictures of him and Mai remembering all the warm memories. Today he got divorce papers in the mail from Mai and he was trying to decide whether he wanted to sign them or not. He wants to do it for her, it's the least he could do for her after all the pain he caused her. But some selfish part of him couldnt stand the idea of his Mai being with another man, and especially wouldn't be able to handle them being around his child.

   While Louis was in deep thought he heard a knock on the door. Thinking it might be Mai changing her mind he ran to the door.

   To his surprise it wasn't Mai, in fact, it was the opposite.

   Valerie was confidently standing at the door. She was wearing a short red maxi dress with black stilettos and her curly dark hair pulled up into a low ponytail.

   "Valerie I'm really not in the mood for this right now can you please just leave me alone. If you really cared about me like you say you do you would respect my wishes." He sighs.

   "Actually I did something better then that."

   "I really dont want to hear about it." Louis goes to shut the door but is stopped by Valerie's hand pushing it back open

   "I got rid of her for you, now we can be together like you wanted baby."

   "What do you mean you got rid of her? Who did you get rid of?"

   "I got rid of Mai, now I'm all yours my love. You sound upset, isnt this what you wanted?"

   "No that's not what I wanted, what did you do to her?!"

    Hearing him say that began to irritate her. "Wrong answer Louis" she said and turned to walk away

   "Ok I'm sorry baby your right, I appreciate what you did, this is what I wanted. I dont know what i was thinking." Obviously he was lying when he said this he just couldn't let her walk away he needed to find Mai and she was the only person who knew where she was.

   She turned back to face Louis and a smile grew on her face. "Awwww good baby I'm glad you came around I thought I was going to have to resort to other methods to get you to take me back."

   Louis was scared. He knew Valerie was crazy but he knew she didn't have it in her to kill, at least he hope's she doesn't. He needed to figure out a way to get Valerie to take him to Mai.

   He knew he had to win back Valerie's "trust" back so that she would take him to Mai.

   He invited Valerie inside and offered her some food which she accepted.

   After eating they moved to the couch and Valerie took the remote, turned on Netflix, and picked a movie to watch.

   Louis took a deep breath before doing something he never wanted to do again. He felt disgusted with himself for doing this but it had to be done.

   Louis put his hand on her thigh and slowly begin to move his thumb in a circular motion as he leaned in to kiss her. He moved his hand up higher and higher, then began started kissing her neck and one thing after another they ended up having sëx.

   After Louis kissed her on the cheek and said "baby, I want to give Mai divorce papers."

   "Of course baby, when will you have them?"

   "Actually I already have them."

   "Oh well go get them I can give them to her."

   "Well I would really rather give them to her myself in person, so I can say goodbye and stuff. You can come with me baby. Pleaseeeeee?" He begged

   "Ok, fine I'll give you 10 minutes"

   "Yayyyy! Can we go now?"

   "Whatever makes you happy baby."

   Louis goes to grab the papers and his keys while Valerie waited down stairs.

   When they got to the car Valerie said "I will only take you if I drive and you are blindfolded in the backseat. I dont want you knowing where she is."

   Louis hesitantly agreed and let Valerie untie his tie and blindfolded him with it.

   After driving for what felt like for ever the car finally came to a stop and Valerie turned off the car.

   As they got out Valerie took off his blindfold and allowed him to put his tie back on.

   When Valerie turned to get her purse out of the car Louis looked around for land Mark's and saw a street sound that said North Dahlia Road

   After everything was situated they walked into a strange motel where each room was separate from the other like mini houses, but they weren't that nice.

   They walked into room 636 and there he saw Mai tied to the bed and gagged.

   He was relieved to see her but was also scared because he hasn't planned this far.

   Valerie let Louis go inside by himself while she stayed and guarded the door.


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