Chapter 8 - Calum

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"It's Calum's turn to chose something." Luke muttered.

The sound of my name snapped me out of my daydream, and I quickly pulled my eyes away from Mia before anyone caught me staring. But someone had. Michael was smirking at me with the strangest look on his face, like he knew something I didn't.

"Ummm... I dunno. What do you want Nic?" I redirected the question, sending it towards the girl who was curled up next to me. I couldn't really remember which movies we had and hadn't seen already - it had taken a lot of concentration not to stare at Mia the whole time. Instead I directed my focus towards Nicole, asking her questions and laughing with her.

Nicole was sweet and funny and really hot, but I couldn't help comparing her to Mia. it wasn't that I liked liked Mia, but Nicole just didn't capture my attention as much as she did.

Rolling his eyes, Michael called out, "Just chose one Calum. I ran out of popcorn twenty minutes ago. Help me make some more Mia?"

She mumbled, "Sure" and they both stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Why did he want Mia to help him? surely he could make popcorn on his own? My eyes narrowed as I watched them both walk into the kitchen and pull the door shut.

"So Calum, how was Green Day?" Alex called.

"Didn't Mia tell you?" I wondered? I couldn't imagine her not wanting to recap the entire concert with someone; I had made Luke sit and listen to me ramble for an hour before I finally fell asleep.

"Naah, she ran into my room screaming about *NAME* and kissing and lips like an angel and then ran out saying that she had to call Lilly." He laughed.

"That sounds like something I would do!" Ash giggled from his spot on the floor, and we all laughed with him, remembering the hours after our first All Time Low concert.

"It was so amazing though! I mean, their set list must have been about thirty songs, right?" I turned to Nicole for confirmation.

"Yeah it lasted forever." she smiled up at me, "But it was so good."

"And I think Mia was trying to tell you that *NAME* kissed her on the cheek during Wake Me Up When September Ends." I added.

"Wait, they played that song?"Alex sounded worried, but covered it up with a smile, asking, "What else?"

"Well American Idiot was actually amazing, and so was Basket Case." I smiled.

"I think we should make that our next cover.", Ashton decided, "But like do it properly and stuff."

"Yeah that sounds good. We can sort it out later." I replied.

"What's taking them so long?" Luke suddenly muttered, "Its just popcorn."

His words reminded me that Mia and Michael were still in the kitchen, alone.

"He'd better not be doing anything." Alex growled, "Not with my little sister."

"But that would be so cute! ohmygod I totally ship Mikia!" Nicole started gushing about how adorable they would be. I didn't want to think of Mia with Michael, I wanted it to be me with Mia.

Wait, what? I couldn't like Mia in that way. She was Alex's little sister, and given the look he was sending towards the door, he would kill me if he knew what I was thinking.

"Well, if they take much longer, I'm gonna steal Mikey's seat." Ash complained, "My butt hurts."

"Stop whining Ashton. Just because I'm stronger than you." Luke teased.

GUYS CAN YOU MAKE US SOME MORE POPCORN TOO?" Alex yelled, his eyes firmly trained on the door that had closed behind the two.

For two really long seconds, there was silence from the kitchen, as everyone swapped wide eyed glances.

"FINE!" Michael finally yelled back, and a sudden scrabbling noise could be heard, followed by the microwave being turned on.

"Hey Ashton, maybe you should swap seats with Michael." Alex called, "Then he can sit on the floor."

As Ash climbed up to the sofa, I turned and smiled at Nicole. I needed to stop thinking about Mia, and I knew how I could make that happen.

{Author's note}

Wow this was really crappy and short, but I just wanted to write something.

Hopefully I'll update more today :)

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