Chapter 13 - Mia

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Hey, it's been a while I'm sorry. I went back and changed the end to the last chapter so you might want to read that quickly :) Also, I changed my username to kangarooashton_ :)

It was beginning to feel colder; or maybe it had always been cold and I had been too busy crying to notice. My tears had finally run out, releasing a large amount of the sadness that I felt, and the annoyance that was directing at myself for being so naïve, I probably should have gone back into the house, just to let Alex know I was okay, but I really didn’t want to face anyone, or make him cut his night short. He never really said it, but I could tell that he missed the boys when they were on tour, and I would hate to make him come home early and stop spending time with them.

It felt like it had been hours, just sitting here behind this bush and avoiding people, but in reality it had probably just been 30 minutes. There was nothing to do apart from listening in to the conversations of the few people who ventured into the garden, but even that seemed creepy and just a little bit too close to human interaction at this minute. All I wanted to do was watch an episode of Criminal Minds or Sherlock on the couch at Alex’s place, with a mug of hot chocolate and some ice cream. It was the fail proof method for dealing with disappointment, and I was craving Ben & Jerry’s.

“Hey Mikey, what’s up with Calum? I asked if he wanted to do shots and he nearly punched me.” The sound of an Australian voice snapped my out of my daydream and I strained to hear a reply over the sound of the music coming from inside.

“Seriously? The ass thinks I’m trying to get with Mia and he’s jealous.” That voice obviously came from Michael, and I felt myself beginning to hope again, no matter how much I tried to stay calm and unattached.

“You’re not getting with her?” I recognised the other voice as being Luke, and immediately did a double take at his words. He thought that me and Michael? Of course he was cute, but he was basically my brother, despite the fact that I’d known him for about 3 days. All four of them were cute to be honest, anyone could see that they were all attractive guys, but I couldn’t believe Luke thought that.

“Dude, what? She’s my friend. That would be weird.” It was reassuring to know Michael felt the same way.

“But at the movie night? You guys weren’t making out in the kitchen?” Luke seemed confused, and I could picture the look on his face.

“I was asking her if she liked Calum!” Michael’s voice was easier to hear now, it was raised over the sounds coming from the party and dripping with disbelief.

“Well you’d better tell Alex then; he’s pissed at you for taking advantage of his sister!” Luke warned, and I rolled my eyes at my brother’s protectiveness. It was adorable that he cared so much, but it was sort of irritating at times like this.

“Shit, I need to go find him. If you see Calum, punch him for me, and tell him I’m not pulling a prank!” Michael’s voice seemed worried now, and I heard two sets of footsteps move away from the garden, leaving me in silence once again.

I didn’t really know what to think. Everything that they had said whirled around my brain: everyone thought I was with Michael, Calum was jealous, Alex was pissed at Michael. I couldn’t decide which problem needed my attention more, so I did what I always did – I ignored them all. If I pretended like there was no problem, it would hopefully go away. It wasn’t a brilliant plan, and it had never really worked before, but I was trying extra hard this time. I didn’t want to think about anything.

Once again, I heard the sound of the door opening, and the music from inside spilled into the peaceful garden. I could hear the sound of All Time Low’s ‘I Feel Like Dancing’ and I smiled at the playlist the boys had put together.

“It was so stupid! I mean, he was kissing me! He was kissing me and then those weird friends of his came over and like stole him away!” The voice was irritatingly familiar, and I began to pay attention to their drama.

“Wait, who were you kissing? And what do you mean weirdo friends?” This voice was male, and also one I had heard before, and I frowned as I tried to place it.

“Calum. I was kissing Calum.” It was Nicole. Great. Here I was, trying to ignore my problems, and she was meters away from me talking about kissing Calum. “The weirdoes, you know the one with the green hair and the one, I think he’s called Ashley?” I gritted my teeth, feeling my hatred for Nicole grow.

“So what?” I still couldn’t recall who the other voice belonged to, so I carefully crouched onto the balls of my feet and peered over the edge of the bush in front of me.

In the gloomy lighting, I could make out the back of Nicole’s red dress, and the outline of a male, who I didn’t recognise. I must have heard his voice somewhere in the party.

“So, he was kissing me right, and then his stupid friends started going on about that bitch Mia, and he completely lost interest in me.” Wait what? She was calling me a bitch? When I was the person who introduced her to Calum? I was the one who invited her into my brother’s house and basically set her up with him.

“Who’s Mia?” The guy asked, clearly not understanding why this was so important.

“Eugh, shut up. I’m going back inside.” Nicole scoffed, and turned on her heel, stomping back into the party. Shrugging, the guy followed her, obviously used to doing what he was told.

I was so confused. Nicole hated me for some reason, Calum was ignoring me because he was apparently jealous and there was no one for me to talk to.

At that moment, my phone lit up, displaying a text from Lilly.

Lilly: Biatch don’t forget to text me the details!

Instead of texting her back, I just pressed call, waiting for her to pick up.

“Uh oh.” She answered, “Why aren’t you busy partying.”

That was all I needed to prompt a total recollection of the night’s events, with Lilly listening  and providing stupid comments to cheer me up.

“So, hang on. Go over the guy drama for  me? I’m not getting it.” She asked when I had finished telling her everything.

“Okay. Um, I think I like Calum, but he’s into this girl Nicole and Michael made he send him a letter telling him, and then he kissed Nicole at the party so now I’m outside because I don’t want to face anyone.” I summed it up, surprised at how quickly I could explain my drama.

“He didn’t?” Lilly gasped, “I can’t belie-“

And then her voice was cut off, becoming faint and then I couldn't hear her at all as my phone was pulled from my hands and tossed onto the ground. Freaking out, I turned to face the person who had stolen my phone, and gasped as I saw Calum crouched next to me with a look of shock on his face.

Hey guys ily and I'm sorry :)

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