Chapter 10 - Calum

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"Maybe we can do this again sometime?" Nicole suggested as she pulled her shirt back over her head.

"Sure." I agreed. I needed something to distract me from going after Mia - my best friend's little sister - and Nicole had managed to make me forget my own name for a few hours.

"So I'll like, call you or something?" she winked as she walked out of my bedroom door, swaying her hips as she left, my eyes following her every move.

Grabbing my phone, I wasted a few minutes playing on flappy birds, but every time I died I saw the high score that Mia had set the day we saw Green Day, and I was trying to forget about her. That's what spending time with Nicole had been about. I gave up pretty quickly, pulling my shirt back on and wondering downstairs to find a more effective distraction.

The TV was turned on when I walked into the living room, Luke and Michael curled up on one of the sofas, their eyes wide and glued to the screen. It only took 10 seconds to figure out why they hadn't noticed I was there; Criminal Minds was on and it looked like it was almost at the end.

I knew from experience just how scary this program could be - Criminal Minds was a program I hated to love. It was so good, but every time I watched it I freaked out.

Dropping onto the sofa next to them, I waited for the ad break to start, and then asked, "So, what happened?"

To my amusement, they both jumped into the air and Luke even shrieked.

"Jesus Calum you can't just do that!" Luke yelled, his cheeks flushing red as he tried to cover up his embarrassment.

"Sorry" I laughed, "Anyway, what's happening? I'm guessing it's a scary one."

Michael just grunted at me, rolling his eyes and turning away. Something was up with him, he wouldn't look me in the eye and kept sending dirty looks my way. It was like I had done something to offend him?

As Luke filled the awkward gap with a detailed rambling explanation about the plot so far, I wracked my mind trying to decide what I had done to annoy Michael.

When I came up with nothing, I decided just to straight out ask.

"Michael, what's up? Are you mad at me?" I whined, reaching over Luke to poke the blonde haired boy.

"Did you have fun with Nicole?" he asked, completely ignoring my question.

"Yeah actually, I did." I smirked.

Luke laughed and high fives me, but Michael just snorted, rolling his eyes again and turning back to face the TV.

After a few minutes of silence, he suddenly looked over at me and asked, "What about Mia?"

His question startled me, and left me confused. Why would he think there was something going on between me and Mia? We had all seen them during the movie night, cuddling and whispering constantly. Plus, she was Alex's sister. I couldn't go there.

"What?" I responded. "I don't see her like that!"

"Then why did you give her my Green Day ticket?" he complained, sitting up and raising his eyebrows at me.

"You're not mad at me for that are you? You said it was okay?" I was so confused. I had already apologised, and he had been totally fine with it! And why was he bringing it up now?

"That's not what I meant. I'm guessing you didn't read it?" He snapped.

"Read what? You know what, I'm just going to leave." He was talking in some kind of code that I really didn't get, and my good mood was quickly becoming worse. Deciding that the need to get away from Michael was bigger than my need to finish watching Criminal Minds, I pulled myself from the sofa and stormed back upstairs.

It was nearly 12, and I was starting to feel my lack of sleep catching up on me. Being on your was amazing, but none of us really slept at all. To be honest, we didn't really sleep when we were at home either - our new share house was always loud and constantly full of people.

Collapsing onto my bed, I heard a crinkling noise coming from near my head that sounded a lot like paper.

As I reached under my pillow, my hand came in contact with a smooth envelope, with my name in neat handwriting on the front. For a few minutes, I just sat staring at it, attempting to recognise the writing, but it was too small and neat to be any of the boy's. Confused, I carefully ripped the envelope open, and pulled out an A4 letter that seemed to be for me.

Sitting up against the headboard, I started to read it, becoming more and more confused as I got further down.

There was no way this could be real. I mean, Mia would never end up falling for me! It was obvious that she had something going on with Michael, and this was probably some prank he thought it would be funny to pull. That would explain how he knew this was in my room, and he was probably laughing so hard right now.

Knowing that there was no way I could sleep now, I made my back downstairs for what seemed like the millionth time today. Heading for the kitchen, I grabbed some water and sat at the table, holding the letter in my hand.

As I sat there, Ashton trudged in, looking completely exhausted but extremely happy.

"Hey Cal, how come you're still awake? Oohhh is that a letter?" He asked.

"Yeah, I found it on my bed. I think it's one of Michael's stupid jokes. How are Lauren and Harry?" I replied.

"They're good." He smiled, "Here, let me read it?"

I handed him the letter and he sat down next to me, quickly scanning through it.

"I don't think Michael could have made this up, the words are too long." He finally decided.

"Yeah well, you saw him and Mia this afternoon - he probably made her write it as a prank." I sighed.

"I think it's legit mate, maybe she does like you"?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Whatever." I turned to leave, before remembering, "Hey, are we still having that party tomorrow night?"

When he nodded, I smirked and said, "Cool, I can invite Nicole."

{Author's note}

This took a while I'm sorry!!!

Dedicated to Emma (lawson__lover) I hope you feel happier and we miss you on insta!!

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