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I should be crying. It was the only thing i could think about - the fact that my best friend was lying in a hospital room and I couldn't cry. I just felt numb, like nothing really mattered anymore. The only thing keeping me going was the chance that he had survived - that the doctors could make it all okay. I couldn't loose him; I don't think I could cope. Ben was always there for me - if I was ever in trouble or upset then he was always the first person to notice and the only one who could cheer me up.

The smell of antiseptic and that smell that is really only unique to hospitals fills my nose, only making my panic increase.

And then, the thing that I had been both dreading and desperately waiting for happened. A nurse appeared from the door barring me from my best friend. She took one look at the crowd of family members and friends nervously awaiting the new she was about to deliver and shook her head. He was gone.

You know that feeling when you stand in the middle of a crowded room and cover your ears, but the sound never fully goes away? That's what it felt like. I knew that everyone was talking, crying, shouting, but nothing made sense. It all sounded like meaningless noise, like my head was underwater.

And when the noise died down, when it was just me and my thoughts, that's when I realised that nothing was ever going to be the same again.

{Author's note}

Hey guys... So if you are actually reading this thank you so much because you are probably the only person ;) this is my first fanfic so I decided to do a 5SOS one :) They will turn up soon I just have to introduce some main characters first :)

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