Chapter 2 - Calum

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(author note - I'm gonna try writing from Calum's point of view too so check the subtitle things. Oh and I changed the end of the last chapter so she doesn't know who 5SOS are.)

"Shut up Luke!"

I really didn't want to be here, listening to my bandmates argue with each other across Alex's living room.

"No! you shut up!"

All I wanted to do was to get my guitar and work on this new tune that was spinning around my head.

"Why? I said it first!"

But instead I was sat here, with Michael and Luke acting like 9 year olds and Ashton just sitting there giggling like a flipping schoolgirl.

"You're such a dick!"

I actually have no idea why Alex wanted us to come over anyway - I think he said something about us meeting his little sister or something? I wasn't really paying that much attention.

"I know you are but what am I?"

This was getting ridiculous. Deciding to step in, I raised my eyebrows at Michael and Luke, shooting them my best evil glare.

"Will you both be quiet for one second?" I snapped.

My outburst must have shocked them into silence, as they both quickly stopped arguing. I pulled my phone out if my pocket and started to scroll down my twitter feed, retweeting some fans and replying to messages.

My tweeting session was interrupted as a huge weight landed on my lap, and I looked up to see a head full of luminous green hair poking my face. Groaning, I struggled to free my hands in order to shove Michael off of my lap. My attempts to break free were thwarted when Luke decided to join the pile up and jump onto us both - squashing me even more.

Looking to Ash for help, I found him comfortably sitting on the other couch, making move to help me as he filmed a keek on his phone.

"Ash... damnit... help me!" I managed to croak, the weight of Mikey and Luke effectively cutting off my air supply.

All he did was giggle and - seeing that no help was coming anytime soon, I have up fighting.

Just when I was about to scream my surrender, the door to the room opened, and a girl cautiously walked in. All noise stopped, as Ash hurried to shut down his video and the others quit their screaming.

She was beautiful. Her long brown hair shining in the light, and her brown eyes crinkling up as she looked around the room and laughed as she saw the pile up that was going on. It was like I suddenly couldn't breath, like she had sucked all of the air out of the room.

And then I remembered that Luke and Michael were still sitting on me.

That might be the reason.

Reaching up to shove them off me, I took advantage of their staring and caught them off guard. With a bang, they landed on the floor in a pile and it was as if the spell we had all been under ever since the girl walked in had been broken. They immediately started screaming at each other and the silence was shattered.

Laughing at Luke and Mikey, Alex jumped up and yelled for them to be quiet. When the had finally calmed down, he turned to the girl who was standing in the corner, a smile on her face as she watched the two idiots roll around on the floor.

"Right guys, this is my sister Mia. She's staying here for a bit. Mia this is Calum, Ashton and those two idiots there are Michael and Lucas." He said, pointing to each one of us as he said our names.

"My name is Luke! And Mikey is the idiot not me!" Luke protested.

Making a noise of protest, Michael started to open his mouth to argue.

"Michael don't even say anything. You know it's true." Ash cut him off. "Hey Mia!" he giggled, waving at her from his seat on the couch.

"Hi!" she smiled back at him. Her voice was perfect. It fit her appearance exactly. It was soft and gentle, and I could listen to it all day.


The sound of Alex's voice shocked me out of my musing. Damn. I must have missed something. Wait. I didn't say hello. I was too busy staring at her.

"What? Sorry!" I mumbled.

"Calum if your damn song is distracting you that much, just write it down gods sake!" Michael rolled his eyes at me.

"Wait, are you guys in a band?" Mia asked.

Well I guess that meant she hadn't heard of us. We didn't have the biggest fanbase, but they were amazing and covered a lot of countries, so I was quite surprised she hadn't at least heard us on the radio.

"Yeah we are. We are called 5 Seconds Of Summer. You haven't heard of us?" Ash asked.

"5 Seconds Of Summer? Sounds familiar. Maybe my friend Emma listens to you? What do you sing?" She said almost sounding apologetic.

We all looked at Luke to start off the singing.

"Um right. Okay." He mumbled. "She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel Underwear." He belted out, the rest of us joining in with the harmonies until the chorus had finished.

She stood there listening, with her head tilted to the side, a look of concentration on her face.

"Oh. Oh. Ben used to sing that." She murmured.

Then suddenly, with an apologetic look at Alex, she turned and ran out of the room as if she was being chased by her worst nightmare, leaving us all with lots of questions.

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