Chapter 11 - Mia

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From Mikey: Hey loser, we're having a party tonight and you're coming. Xxx

From Mikey: Should I dye my hair green or lilac?

To Mikey: Hey idiot, oh okay fine. Xxx

To Mikey: Green. Way more punk rock.

From Mikey: You do know it starts in an hour?



Okay, one hour to get ready. I could do that, possibly.

Running to the bathroom, I was met with the sight of Alex sneaking in before me, and slamming the door in my face.

"NOT FAIR ALEX! I TAKE LONGER THAN YOU!" I screamed, knowing he would take ages on purpose just to annoy me.

"Whoops, sorry Mia." He sang through the door, "Looks like you were too slow."

Growling at the door, I span on my heel and stormed back to my room, making sure to slam the door loud enough for Alex to hear. I decided that whilst I waited for him to finish in the shower, I would plan what I was going to wear, but that was easier said than done.

I needed expert help.

A few minutes later, I had dialled Lilly's number and was jumping round my room, waiting for her to answer.

"What the actual hell Mia, it's 3am!" She whispered, not even saying hello.

"Don't you dare go all 'Oh its 3am and I was sleeping Mia' on me, you were on Tumblr and you know it." I shot back, knowing for sure I was right.

"Okay so maybe I was, but I still could have been asleep." She sighed, "Anyway, what's up?"

"So I have this party in an hour..." I trailed off, knowing she would understand.

"Right, so are you being punky or preppy?" She immediately asked.

"Slightly punky, but not over the top." I decided.

"Okay. Try your black skater dress with those heeled black ankle boots and your leather jacket." She advised, creating the prefect outfit.

"The fact that you know my wardrobe better than me makes me happy," I laughed, "Thanks Lilly, love you!"

"Love you too honey, now go get ready." She called before disconnecting.

Hearing Alex leave the bathroom, I managed to have the fastest shower ever, leaving me 30 minutes to get dressed and sort out my makeup.

Slipping on my dress, I pulled my hair to one side and quickly tied it into a fishtail braid, backcombing the ends to make it hang straight. I then lined my eyes in thick black eyeliner, before hearing Alex call my name from downstairs.

"How are we getting there again?" I asked, realising I had no idea where the boys lived.

"They're sharing a house round the corner, like two blocks from here." Alex replied, opening the door and gesturing for me to walk out, "So, to answer your question, we're walking."

It ended up taking us 20 minutes to find the boy's house, because Alex was a complete idiot and managed to get lost in his own neighbourhood. I swear we walked for 10 miles, so by the time we got to the party, it had started and my feet were killing me.

We pushed through the crowds of people standing on the front lawn and around the door, and I finally got my first sight of the masses of people grinding and dancing throughout the whole house.

"Right, I said we would help clean up, so I'll meet you at the end? Just don't drink anything anyone gives you and if someone tried anything on you I'll beat them okay?" Alex warned, before making his way across the room; leaving me all alone by the entrance, scanning the room for a familiar face.

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