Chapter Ten

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I sit with Nix on my lap, running my fingers over her velvety ears. I am late for dinner. Mom is going to flip, but I know that with Will there she will at least take it easy on me. The ride home is silent, but Will keeps one hand in mine.

I really love Will, and today is sending me reeling. I should just sit down with Dex and explain to him that I can't be anything other than good friends. Will was enough for me. Sure, Dex was great. He was my greatest source of comfort when I was young. I didn't need that comfort now. I was perfectly content with Will.

We pull into my lot and stare up at the brick house with solemn eyes. Nothing waited for me behind that door expect hatred and a bed I could barely sleep in. Will leans over and looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes. Searching his eyes, I try to find that little jolt and spark inside me. It horrifies me when I find nothing there but a pair of brown eyes.

I return the look regardless, and he kisses me softly on the lips. It was one of those kisses that left you wondering of it was real, or just a dream. I smile up at him and pet Nix's head gingerly.

"Thank you," I whisper, running a hand through his flop of sandy brown hair.

"No problem, Nix," he says, brushing tendrils of hair away from my face. The real Nix yelps in my lap and licks my finger.

I laugh and hold Nix up to his face, "Sorry, Will, but I don't think you can call me Nix! Otherwise, Nix might get confused." I wiggle Nix in his face and he laughs, petting her back with his callused hands.

"Who says I was talking to you?" Will teases, a smirk lifting his slightly chapped lips.

I stick out my tongue like a child and hop out of the car before he can open the door for me. Smiling, I watch as Nix jumps out of the car and stands by my feet obediently. Will scowls and steps out of the car.

"Get in the car, Nikki," he commands opening the door for me. I shake my head and Nix barks, wagging her tail.

His brows furrow together and he points his finger at the leather seat. "Nope," I say, popping the 'p'.

Stepping back, Will approaches me and I giggle, running towards my door with Nix on my heels.

"Nikki," he warns, jogging after me.

"What?" I ask innocently, turning my head over my shoulder. Nix yips and races towards the door.

Suddenly, Will has his arms around me and is hoisting me over his shoulder by the waist. How could I forget that he is on a football team and has to run up and down the field everyday?! Of course, he can catch me!

Laughing, I pound my fists on his butt. He has a really cute butt. He doesn't slow his stride towards my door. I hook my fingers in his jeans and yank up hard.

"Please tell me that wasn't an attempt at a wedgie," Will laughs, tickling my feet.

"Nope, but I was trying to trip you," I respond, trying to contain my laughter as he tickles me.

"Bad, Nikki," Will sings, poking my leg.

He slips me down at the door, and he pulls me into a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up so that my toes barely touch the ground. Lifting my hand to twine with his hair, he slides his hands down my back. Will's minty breath flutters my hair, and I trail my nose down his jaw. I kiss his neck and he groans against my cheek. He kisses me gingerly and bites my earlobe. I let out a breathy laugh when I feel Nix nibbling on my toes.

I'm just about to tell Will to put me down when I hear her icy voice from the door, "What is that, Nicole?"

I gasp and look up. Mom's manicured hands are pointed towards Nix with disgust. Will puts me down and takes my hand, keeping his eyes trained on my face.

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