Chapter Three

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Nikki consumed my thoughts the rest of the day. I barely had the focus to take notes and introduce myself because all the could see was Nikki's face. I kissed Nikki when we were thirteen, and I don't think she even knew how much I loved her back then. I don't even think she liked me in that way, but I had to do something before she left me. I'm glad I did because that kiss was the best kiss I have ever had.

I saw her in gym, and she looked amazing. I saw her sneak a glance at me and casually slipped up my shirt, causing her to whip around. I nearly laughed, but the guys pulled me back into a huddle. I got a few compliments on my football skills, and was hopeful that I would get to play next year.

I walked out of gym feeling stupid for not talking to Nikki yet, and promised myself that I would at the assembly tonight. It was weird to have started a new school so late into the year, so I was rushed to find someone to talk to at the assembly. It's a good thing I'm practically irresistible because the assembly was rushing up fast.

I walk into home economics, and scan the room for people I would actually like to sit next to. I spot a girl that I think will do the trick. She has long chestnut hair, emerald eyes, and creamy pale skin. She sits in a large group, talking to a few muscle coated guys. I recognize a few from gym, so at least I won't look like I total dork walking over there and sitting down.

I stride over to them, and pull out a chair right next to a guy named William I recognize from gym.

"Dex, what's up, man?" William says, clapping me on the back. I pull out a chair next to the girl and William, and sit down.

"Nothing, " I smirk, flashing a wink at the girl next to me, making her blush a deep red.

"Dex, I want you to meet these freaks, so pay attention!" William booms, pointing to the girl I first spotted.

"Dex, this is Jen," Will begins. I nod my head, and flick my gaze over to her boyfriend. "He is Tom, and that is Shawn, with her boyfriend Dylan, and that is Mike," Will finishes, and points his thumb at me.

Jen is stunning, and natural, so I already know I'm going to like her. Tom looks like a nice guy, but I'm not going to mess around with him when it comes to Jen because the guy is built like a truck and obviously doesn't like the idea of anyone flirting with Jen based on the thick arm he has snaked around her waist.

Shawn is gorgeous, with thick ringlets of blond hair that goes just past her shoulders, and hazel eyes, as well as a tight, tanned figure. Dylan flashes Shawn a lopsided smile and she puts her head in his shoulder. I smile slightly at their affection and wish that Nikki was here, leaning on my shoulder.

Mike was quiet, but no one would call him out on it because that guy looked like he would beat you into the ground if he felt the need. I heard he was quite the football player, and so was Will. If I get on a friend basis with them, it could really help my football career.

The teacher steps into the room in a blur, and I groan as the lessons of life begin. I scribble down notes on how to make cupcakes, and try not to roll my eyes at every word she says. Will laughs at my expression, and points at his blank notebook page. I sigh, and slip mine closed. Besides, when will I ever need to know how to properly blend ingredients?

I stare at the clock between glances at the whispering lovers, and beg the clock to end the torture. I have to find a girlfriend fast if I want to survive with this group because being the only single guy isn't that fun. I heard Will had a girlfriend, and I already knew who Mike's girlfriend was. I think her name was Allison, and I instantly felt a little bad for Mike because she certainly knew how to flirt.

I was excited to meet Will's girlfriend, however, because he and Mike pouted a lot about being alone, but Will especially did. I watch him as he shoves his face in his hands and groans slightly. I guess she really must be special.

The bell blares into the silent classroom, and the class whoops out happiness, much to the teacher's disappointment. The one good thing about home economics; no homework.

I walk down the hall with Will, and find we have lockers close to each other. I throw my stuff in, not really caring where things land, and Will does the same.

"Sit with us at lunch, Dex," whispers Jen, coming up behind me.

Will hears her, and nods. "I forgot to ask you!" Will says, sounding apologetic for not offering sooner.

"Sounds good," I nod, shoving my locker closed.

Shawn and Dylan make an appearance in the middle of the hallway, swinging their clasped hands.

"Will you be joining us, Dex?" Shawn sings, stopping in front of me and the rest of the group.

"I think so, " I murmur, sweeping my eyes across the group for objections. The group nods and I smile; I think I'm going to like these people.

I walk into lunch with them, regretting signing myself up for the "love boat" that would surely come with sitting next to people with lovers. Will sees the expression on my face, and laughs while throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Dex, you're in for a lot of romance," Will laughs, bowing his crown of sand-colored hair.

We approach the center table, and I sit down next to a beaming Shawn and Dylan with Jen on the other side. I face Mike as he and Allison embrace and share a kiss, much to my disgust. Will anxiously glances around for his girl, and I mentally curse myself for sitting here at the "love express" and not going to sit by Nikki.

I shift slightly, preparing to excuse myself when I hear a chorus of voices.

"Hey, babe," Will bellows, wrapping his arms around a shaded figure.

"Where have you been, Nix?" Allison inquires, hugging the still shaded figure.

Shawn jumps up in her seat and squeals, "I'm happy to see you, Nix! I'm sorry I missed your surfing competition!"

"It's all good, Shawn!" Nix replies.

Suddenly, the crowd of people part, and I see my angel standing there, kissing Will passionately.

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