Chapter Nine

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"Will, where are we going?" I ask; looking out at the water. It had been a day since I was released from the hospital. I slept at Allison's house, not wanting to confront my Mother. I knew I had to go back sometime, but I had the week off from school to rest and didn't really want to make my decision. Will had skipped school today to look after me. I didn't really know what problems could happen after you come back to life from drowning but apparently someone needs to look after me.

Dex was at school, of course. In some ways, it pleased me to know that I couldn't run into him today. Will had picked me up from Allison's early this morning before she went to school, and ever since we have been driving up the shoreline. I didn't know how we would be back before dinner, which was when my Mother insisted I be home. I had homework to do and fights to fight with her.

I didn't get why my Mom didn't want to see me with Dex. We had always been good friends. Dex had held my hand before. She didn't even acknowledge Will, which was the reason I was confused about why she would care about who I love. I was nervous. I couldn't get rid of that one nagging question in the back of my head; what would she do if she saw me with Dex?

I shudder at the thought. My Mom was a nice woman when I was young. She wasn't Mom now. She put up a good front. People thought she was nice and beautiful and a good mother to her daughter. I never let it bother me. I never gave her the satisfaction of letting it bother me. I had a good life; I was on the dance team, I had a wonderful boyfriend, I was loved by my collection of weird and crazy friends. I loved my life.

Dex came back, and now it's like everything seems messed up. Mom bothers me again. Will seems less wonderful. My friends don't get me as well as I thought they did. I knew why all this popped up, and it scared me.

None of them knew me like Dex did.

I kept comparing all of them to what Dex was. Dex was handsome, smart, athletic, caring, gentle, nice, etc. Dex was my best friend, and more. He was everything. I panic at the thought. I'm so used to my little life that the thought of changing it is frightening. I can see my life ahead of me at this point, but you add Dex in and I begin to wonder; do I want this?

I'm so wrapped up in my head that I barely hear Will's answer. "Actually, we're here," he says, his stunning smile making my mind go blank.

I look around, but see nothing different about the scenery. I look up at him confused, "OK, did we just drive around in a circle for the past hour?" I joke, trying to find something unique about the sand and blue ocean outside the car window.

"Nope," Will answers vaguely. I turn to him and see his brown eyes mixed with excitement. He snaps out of his trance and pulls the keys out of the ignition. He hops out of the car and walks over to my side. I smile at his proper ways. Will always opened the door for me. I had learned long ago that whenever I was around Will; my hand would not touch a single doorknob.

As usual, he slides the door open and I jump out; landing with a thump on the grass. The sun beats down on my face and I slip my sleek black sunglasses over my eyes. Will takes my hand and I relish the rough feel of it on my smooth, small hands. I am a sick human being. How could I be holding Will's hand, enjoying it even, when I kissed Dex a few days ago?!

He swings my hand and I smile at him. He glances around quickly before pulling me towards him and kissing me. I smile against his lips as he traces my mouth with his tongue. I am sick.

I pull away and run my fingers over my lips like I can take away the fact that I kissed Dex. "What's up," Will asks, wrapping an arm around my waist. He spins me around so I'm crushed against him and looking up at him.

I smile and respond, "I'm teasing you with my flirtatiousness." Will cocks his brow and I smile happily. We walk towards the beach and I see what Will was excited to show me.

I squeal and do a little happy dance, kicking sand all over the place. I stare at the the big sign that says, 'Happy Birthday'.

The sign is fluttering next to a large cabana with glittering lights and flowers covering it. "I never got to give you your present and we had to cancel your party after you had your accident so I did this," Will says, gesturing proudly.

I jump into his arms and he scoops me up bridal-style. He leans down and kisses me slowly. I kiss him back, and he settles us down in the sand. He pulls my hair out of my ponytail and my blond locks flutter down over my face. I tangle my fingers in his sand-colored hair and he breaks away to trace my jaw with his nose. I giggle and whisper, "A couple of young children are staring at us currently so I suggest you put me down and we go to that cabana of yours."

I blush as a little girl in a floppy hat points to us. Her mother looks at us and smiles pleasantly. She ushers the girl away with her hand.

Will sighs and puts me down. I smile at his disappointment and ruffle his hair. "Come on, let's go," I say, standing up. Will follows me into the cabana and I gasp at the nice furniture, drinks, food, and pictures that are inside.

The cabana is lined with pictures of me and Will. I smile at one were both of us are cross-eyed. "Will this is amazing! You didn't have to do this!" I breathe, tracing my fingers over the velvet sofa.

"Yes, I did," Will says, kissing my neck. I smile and sit down on the sofa, leaning my head against Will's shoulder once he joins me.

We sit in silence for a moment, him twirling bits of my hair around his finger. "Do you want to see your present?" He whispers in my ear. I nod and he stands up. He shuffles around by the table of food and drags out a large box wrapped in a silver paper. It moves slightly in his hand and he adjusts to make it stop. What could be in there?

He places the box in my hands and it shakes. I look at him curiously and the excitement in his eyes is so cute I almost laugh.

I shakily open and box and gasp. A small, yipping puppy sits inside the box. I pick it up under its belly and hold it to my chest. It yips and nuzzles me. I coo and pet its brown fur softly. It was my favorite; a chocolate lab.

"Will, I love you! I love you! I love you!" I shriek, leaning over to kiss him without moving the pup. I know that my Mom is going to kill me and Will, for that matter, but I can't seem to care.

"You like it?" Will asks. As if I was going to hate a puppy!

"I love it!" I stroke the puppy and bring myself to face the reality of the situation. A puppy needs food, doctor's appointments, etc. I can't afford that, and Mom is certainly not going to help me.

"I can't afford it," I say, hoping my disappointment wasn't too obvious. Will smiles as if he is giving me a money tree.

"I'm going to cover all the costs, Nix! Happy Birthday!" Will says, hugging me.

"You can't, Will!" I say, shaking my head.

"I can, and I will," Will says, determination masking his face. I sigh because I know he is set on his decision.

"Fine, but you have to give it a name," I say, holding the puppy up to his face so he could give it a proper name.

"Nix," he says. His brown eyes turn soft as he looks at me.

I frown and turn the pup to me. It was a girl, so Nix made sense, but he should give it a more unique name.

"Why?" I ask, wrinkling my nose as the pup licks my hand gingerly.

"Nix is the name of the most adorable girl I know," Will responds, a smile lighting his face.

I kiss him lightly and hold Nix in my hands.

"I love you, Nikki," he whispers, his finger tracing my jaw.

"I love you, Will," I respond, meaning it with all my heart. The only problem was, I didn't know if I loved someone else too.

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