Chapter Eleven

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I snap open my eyes as the sunlight streams through the blinds. Rolling over, I glance at the clock and sigh. It's almost noon and I have missed my ride to school. Wait, I'm off of school for the week! I smile happily and turn my face into the soft pillow. A clang comes from the kitchen, followed by a few cuss words. I sit up and look at the clock again. Mom should be at work, so who's in the kitchen?!

Will, of course! He's taking care of me. I bolt out of bed happily and suddenly realize that I have my clothes on, not pajamas. Furrowing my brow, I search last night for details. That's when it hits me, it couldn't be Will in the kitchen, he thinks I'm a cheater. I sit back down with a cry and run a hand through my bed head. I grab my phone and scan for texts, there is only one from Allison, telling me she picked up Nix.

My heart aches and I close my eyes, blindly placing my phone back on the bedside table. It's really not fair! It's always Mom that ruins everything for me! I miss Dad! My heart clenches again and one tear slips down my face.

"Morning Sunshine," a light female chirps sarcastically. I blink open my eyes, and shoot Allison a annoyed glare.

"Oh, Nix! You wouldn't treat the person who ditched school for you like that, would you?" Allison's says, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. I realize she is carrying a tray of watery eggs and lightly undercooked bacon, which explains the noise in the kitchen. Allison was many things, but she was not a chef.

"Al, you skipped school! That's the sixth time!" I scold, trying not to focus on the pain in my heart.

"Well, sorry! I thought you could use some comfort!" Allison snaps halfheartedly, not wanting to upset me. She strides over in a pair of high heeled sandals and short shorts. Her long dark hair is straightened and she is wearing a tight grey V-neck. I look down at myself and cringe, but I'm in to much pain to care.

Allison hands me the tray and I lift a shaky hand and stab at the eggs. She watches with a pleased expression and settles down on my bed, making the mattress dip. Finishing a few repulsive bites, I put it on the dresser and hug my pillow to my chest.

"You ready to talk about it?" Allison asks, her eyes flicking over my face.

I sigh an turn my head to the window. The sunlight streams in and the beach is clearly shown. Couples walk hand in hand and the small children who don't have school toddle up the beach. I smile despite myself, and watch as the clear blue waves roll up on shore. Despite my brush with death, I missed the feel of the ocean as much as I missed the sweat smell of the dance center.

I sigh and open my mouth to say 'no' but a sob comes out of my mouth instead. Al switches into protective mode and wraps her arms around me tightly. I let out a few more sobs before starting to explain.

"Mom...called me a...cheat...when Will off," I hiccup, barely even able to understand myself.

Allison just nods and listens, but I can see the hatred in her eyes through my tears. Her body tenses and her hands fist for a second. Allison was very protective. Her baby sister, Haddie, died in a car accident when she was very young, and Al was never the same after that. She was very watchful of everyone she knew. If she was with someone, she wanted to be plastered to their side for the entire time she was with them. Al didn't want anything to happen to anyone, and we were all under her watch. She vowed no one would ever get hurt again when they were with her. She wasn't ever going to let something like that happen again, so she left herself a reminder; Haddie's picture was in the locket she wore everyday. I see it now, glinting in the hot morning sun, one silver heart locket with an 'H' inscribed on the front.


"She said that I was cheating on him with Dex," I whisper, my lip quivering. It was then I realized that it was partly true. I kissed Dex, held his hand. I gasp my hand going to my mouth. Allison looks at me for a second and then realization crosses her eyes.

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