Being Hunted Down

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[Sexual Content ahead. You have been warned.]

Y/n had regained consciousness a few hours later, and was in a hospital room. To his surprise, his friends, Velvet and Jaune, and his girlfriend, Blake, were there, all sleeping, and so he jumped up, giving Blake a peck on the nose, before leaving in a dash.

Upon arriving in the plaza, he looked around frantically, his hands on his head, as he grit his teeth, on the verge of a breakdown.

Y/n: C'mon...where is it...where is it?!

He ran off towards the canteen, where he literally collapsed onto the floor upon arriving, breathing heavily, with bloodshot eyes, and severely sweating. Bottom line: He look fucked.

He got up, looking around, until his eyes rested on a lobster on Cardin's plate, as he ran over to it, and picked it up, before wolfing down the spit it out afterwards onto his face.


Y/n: This is dead. DEAD.

Going over to another plate, he literally ate the lobster's head again, spitting it into Cardin's face again.

Y/n: So uh Cardin, what's your experience in being treated like scum? Bad, isn't it?

He continued to do this, until being stopped by another telekinetic force, as he looked to see Professor Thot- I mean Goodwitch. Does Badbitch sound better? Idk.

Anyways, Y/n was grabbed by her telekinesis, and so he gave her a bored look.

Y/n: Can you put your damn crop down please, because 1: I'm trying to eat, and 2: We all know that you finger yourself with that thing at night, don't we lads?

Everyone broke into laughter, and so Goodwitch had a face flushed in red with anger, as she turned heel, and stormed off, as everyone clapped for Y/n.

Y/n: Ladies and gentlemen, it is good to be back here. The prodigal son has returned!

There, Y/n jumped into the lobster tank, whilst flipping the bird.

Y/n: Fuck the Fake-Ass Wizard, Fuck Badbitch, Fuck Dr Caffeine, Fuck Pedo-Port. Fuck everybody...*sighs*much, much better...

Blake came running in, with an angered look on her face.

Blake: What are you doing, Y/n?

Y/n: Getting revenge, why?

Blake: You're insane, for crying out loud!

Y/n: Well, that isn't common when you've caught a parasite.

And without warning, Y/n dove into the water, wetting Blake, making her run off, and so he emerged, whilst eating a live lobster's head off, grinning manically.

That joy was short-lived, as he was approached by General Ironwood.

Ironwood: I'll need you to come with me, Mr Branwen.

Y/n: ...shit.

(???: Language!)

(A/n: Wrong universe, Cap.)

-Line Break-

Ironwood: Y/n? Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me? This is James speaking.

Y/n: Hey, James...where am I?

Ironwood: You're in the MRI. We've given you a sedative, so it's gonna be completely painless, so try your best to stay still.

Y/n: Where's Blake?

Ironwood: Ms Belladonna isn't here at the moment, it's just me, and Winter here.

Y/n: Who's...Winter?

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