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The scene opens up to a foggy forest, where Y/n is being held at gunpoint, as he is escorted by White Fang goons, and the Lieutenant.

Y/n: Now what you gonna do? You gonna walk me to death?

WFL: ...shut up.

They continued to walk, before the Lieutenant spoke again.

WFL: ...not so tough without your friend.

There, Y/n stopped, and turned to the Lieutenant, and gave him a lazy stare, and a goofy smile.

Y/n: ...did your momma not love you?

Catching him off guard, he grabbed onto the Lieutenant's gun, only for the Lieutenant to let go with one hand, and then slam his fist down onto Y/n's back, before kicking him down.

Y/n: Gah-! Goddamnit...

There, the goons laughed at his futile efforts, as Y/n raised his hands in surrender.

Y/n: I guess it pays to be a specialist, huh? You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. 

There, a pair of black tendrils pulled back a goon, as Y/n catches onto this, unlike the unfortunately oblivious Lieutenant.

Y/n: And it's much, much bigger than you.

There, the tendrils pulled back another goon, leaving the Lieutenant by himself, as Y/n starts to laugh:

There, the tendrils pulled back another goon, leaving the Lieutenant by himself, as Y/n starts to laugh:

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Y/n: *laughing* Karma's a bitch.

WFL: I don't believe in karma.

There, a pair of hands grabbed the Lieutenant, and turned him around, as a female version of Venom bit down on his head, the sight making Y/n jolt, and look away:

There, a pair of hands grabbed the Lieutenant, and turned him around, as a female version of Venom bit down on his head, the sight making Y/n jolt, and look away:

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Y/n: Oh! Ooh!

There, "She-Venom", went and threw away the Lieutenant's headless corpse, and so strutted over to Y/n, who was just blushing + staring:

There, "She-Venom", went and threw away the Lieutenant's headless corpse, and so strutted over to Y/n, who was just blushing + staring:

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She-Venom: Hi, Y/n~

Y/n: Okay...

Y/n took notice of She-Venom's head, and noticed a pair of cat ears there, as he exhaled in relief slightly.

There, she grabbed him and starts kissing Y/n, slowly reverting back to Blake:

Sometime after, they separated, with a bashful looking Blake, and a heavily blushing Y/n

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Sometime after, they separated, with a bashful looking Blake, and a heavily blushing Y/n.

Blake: Oh, no. I just bit that guy's head off.

Y/n: I know, I know. It's, uh, I've been there, too. It's not fun.

Venom: The one with Taurus is Riot.

Y/n: Who's Riot?

Venom: Riot is what you would call a team leader. He has an arsenal of weapons.

Y/n: ...Adam's got his own Symbiote.

Venom: He is unstoppable.

Blake: Oh no...

Venom: We have got to go!

Y/n: Go where? Where're we going?

Blake: Well, I'm coming with you.

Venom: No! It's going to get ugly.

Y/n: Well, she can fight ugly. Trust me.

Blake: Yeah, I can fight ugly.

Venom then emerged, before speaking to Blake again.

Venom: Not today.

With that, he took off, as Blake stood there, groaning.

Blake: Oh, that's bullshit!


Some time into running, Venom reverted back into Y/n, who was just dazed.

Y/n: Aaagh-! God damn it! What the hell happened there? We just left Blake!

Venom: It is not safe for her! If we do not stop Riot, he will come back here with millions more of my kind.

Y/n: Millions? What, you were gonna take the Bullhead, and you were gonna come back here with an invasion force? Then what were you gonna do, you were gonna go feed on the whole of humanity?

Venom: Yes! But it is different now, Y/n. I have decided to stay.

Y/n: *sarcastically* Wow!

Venom: Where I'm from, I am kind of a loser, like you. But here, we could be more.

Y/n: Excuse me?

Venom: And I'm getting to like it here.

Y/n: Oh, you like us now, do you, huh?

Venom: However, there will be nothing left to like if we do not stop that Bullhead.

Y/n: Oh, I see. Right. When it comes to being completely annihilated, then it's back to "we."

Venom: It is "we."Like it or not, it is going to take both of us.

Y/n: ...cut the bullshit. What really made you change your mind?

There, Venom emerged, as he spoke.

Venom: You. You did, Y/n.

There, the symbiote walked forward, before jumping off of the hill, and the scene going to black.




A/n: Alright, going straight into Volume 3 now, just to let you know. And also, I'm now conflicted, as I'm wondering:

Should I discard Venom permanently, and let Y/n have his own Semblance. Or keep Venom, and discard Y/n's Semblance completely?

Help me, please. Thanks.

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