Volume 5 - Welcome to Haven + Dread in the Air

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The scene opens to the front room of the Belladonna Family Home, Ghira Belladonna and Sun Wukong burst in through the front door, angry. Kali Belladonna watches from the front porch.

Ghira: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!

Ghira lets out a growl, and he and Sun turn to each other.

Ghira and Sun: We can't let them get away with this!

Kali: *smiling* Well, at least you two can finally agree on something.

They look at her, then back at each other. Sun gives an awkward chuckle while rubbing his head, and Ghira glares slightly and growls, fists clenched. The three soon have their attention called to Blake Belladonna, who speaks up from the porch.

Blake: Guys. Everything's going to be okay.

A little while later, Blake exits her father's study, stepping out onto the balcony where an armoured guard is standing. The guard turns and addresses her.

Menagerie Guard: Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything?

Blake: Just a little time to myself, if that's alright.

Menagerie Guard: Sure thing. Just call, if you need me.

The guard walks into Ghira's study, shutting the door behind her. Blake takes a deep sigh and is soon alerted by a familiar voice.

Ilia: You need better security.

Alarmed, Blake turns to see Ilia drop down onto the railing. The young Belladonna reaches for the door, but Ilia holds her hand up.

Ilia: Please! I-I just need to talk.

Blake slowly takes her hand away from the door.

Blake: How could you take the fall for them, Ilia?

Ilia: *standing up* Blake...

Blake: Corsac and Fennec blamed you. We confronted them tonight, and they deny knowing anything and everything found on your Scroll. They talked about how disappointed they were to hear that you'd sided with Adam. But you and I both know they're guilty.

Ilia: You can't prove anything.

Blake: That Scroll might not have been enough to lock them up, but it's enough to sway the Faunus here. When we go public tomorrow, they're not going to stand for any of it. And neither should you.

Ilia removes her mask, a solemn expression on her face.

Ilia: Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake. *looking at her* Please... just leave Menagerie before it's too late.

Blake stares at her in silence for a few moments.

Blake: You're going to have to make me.

Ilia remains silent for a few moments before responding.

Ilia: *sadly* I know.

The chameleon Faunus dons her mask once again and steps backward off the balcony. Blake turns away and gains an angry expression, her cat ears folding. After a moment, the anger fades, and she sighs, taking on a saddened expression.


Y/n is now sitting down, on the shore of Menagerie, looking out towards the ocean, before Venom comes out of his shoulder.

Venom: You feeling alright?

Y/n: ...yeah.

Venom: ...bullshit. You flipped out on Blake, the person you truly love, and you've terrorized her. I'm pretty sure that you're still shook.

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