Volume 7 (Snippet)

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A/n: Some of you will know that Volume 7 of RWBY has been announced for this year, and so, as the caring author I am, I will provide you with the exclusive chapter for the upcoming Volume in the RWBY series. Enjoy!

The scene cuts to a distant shot of Atlesian civilians running around, and Team RWBY, the remainder of JNPR, Qrow Branwen, Oscar Pine, and a bandaged-up Y/n Branwen, who is currently minus one forearm:

The scene cuts to a distant shot of Atlesian civilians running around, and Team RWBY, the remainder of JNPR, Qrow Branwen, Oscar Pine, and a bandaged-up Y/n Branwen, who is currently minus one forearm:

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The scene cuts to Yang Xiao Long, who activates her remaining Ember Celica gauntlet and then Lie Ren, who whips out StormFlower, spinning the pistols around, before the blades are deployed. 

Next is Weiss Schnee, who spins the chamber of Myrtenaster around, having loaded it with ammo, before flicking it up, the blade locking into place. And then, there was Blake Belladonna, who unsheathed Gambol Shroud, or, what was left of it. Looking down at her bladeless weapon, she converted it into its gun form.

Oscar: I guess the city defences aren't doing much.

Nora: *glancing at Ren* Somehow, that doesn't surprise me.

Down the road from them, growling is heard, and an Atlesian Knight-200 is thrown against a lamp post.

Jaune: Hm?

Another robot is thrown, and three more back up into view, shooting at Sabyrs, which tackle and destroy them one by one.

Y/n: *fucking pissed* Well what do you know! We've got Sabretooth Grimm now! Trini did not die for this!

Yang: *looking at Y/n* Dude, what the f-

Y/n: So what's this? We have Manticores; Sphinx; Apathy; LEVIA-FUCKING-THANS, and now this. What's next on the agenda? Flying Beringels?!

The ravenette continued ranting on, to then stop, as he took a breather.

Y/n: Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Ruby: Well, we didn't come this far to fail now!

Ruby changes Crescent Rose into scythe form and aims the sniper barrel toward the Sabres, which finish destroying the Atlesian Knight-200s and charge toward her and her friends. Everyone readies their weapons. Yang charges forth using the recoil from her gauntlet, followed by Ren launching himself forward.

Nora: *gasps* Hey!

Getting an idea, Nora looks at Jaune, who looks startled. She uses Magnhild to pole vault toward Jaune, who puts up his shield in response, allowing her to land on it. She then kicks off from his shield, launching herself. After Yang uppercuts a Sabyr, Ren lands on another one's back, stabbing his guns' blades into it, and it leaps into the air to knock him off, only for Nora to slam it to the ground with her hammer. Jaune beheads a Sabyr, and when a second one leaps at him, he blocks with his shield and stabs it just above its collarbone.

Qrow slices two Sabyrs in half, leans back to dodge a third as it attempts to tackle him. He transforms Harbinger into scythe mode and uses it to hook the Grimm as it makes another attempt to tackle him. As he finishes spinning his scythe, he plants its blade into the ground and punches another Sabyr in the head, then uppercuts it into the air. He then kicks Harbinger upward, catches it, straightens the blade, impales the Sabyr, and slices another one that leaps at him from behind the deceased Sabyr's smoke.

While Qrow shoots at more Sabyrs, another one turns its attention to Oscar. It charges him, and he leaps into the air and stabs at its skull with Ozpin's cane. While he watches it die, another one leaps at him from behind, only to be sniped by Ruby, who smiles and nods to Oscar.

Ruby transforms her rifle back into scythe mode and runs forward. As a Sabyr leaps at her, she does a flip and slices it in half. She continues running, fires Crescent Rose, and begins using her Semblance to speed down the street, before appearing to split into three blurs of red that go around a Sabyr, which splits apart with a roar. The blurs converge and transform back into Ruby, who stabs the tip of her scythe into the asphalt, swinging forward on it and landing on the ground. She fires Crescent Rose and lets go of it, sending it spinning through a Sabyr and into the air. She leaps onto and kicks off of another Sabyr, spinning and catching her scythe. She fires Crescent Rose to keep up the momentum and slams the blade into the ground, sending out a shockwave that takes out two more Sabyrs.

Y/n, on the other hand, has picked up the gun of a fallen Atlesian Knight and is shooting at the Grimm. Given that he currently has monoplegia (because of his missing arm), he is showing some difficulty in doing so, as he is forced to roll out of the way as one of them leaps at him, missing an attempt at his face.

After Weiss slices through a Sabyr, four more come running toward her from another street. She casts four black glyphs, using them to levitate the Grimm. As they flail helplessly in the air, Ren leaps from Sabyr to Sabyr, cutting each of them in half. Meanwhile, another Sabyr attempts to run up behind Yang while she finishes one off, only to be shot by Blake, who smiles and nods to Yang.

Suddenly, another Sabyr leaps into the air behind Blake, who gasps and turns to face it, as just as Y/n catches onto this, frozen in fear...until he hears a voice in his head.




???: Kill.

It is with that command, that he proceeds to start running at an inhuman speed, the ground literally breaking beneath him, with each and every footstep:

It is with that command, that he proceeds to start running at an inhuman speed, the ground literally breaking beneath him, with each and every footstep:

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He sprints towards the approaching Sabyr, leaping at it, with a godforsaken evil in his eyes:

The scene seems to go in slow motion, before it cuts to black, where Y/n's voice is then heard

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The scene seems to go in slow motion, before it cuts to black, where Y/n's voice is then heard.









...i know, i'm a dickhead for that cliffhanger (i think?? since you guys may have already seen the episode - either way-) so...yeah, there's that.

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