An Explanation

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After that little Aquaman stunt of jumping out of the water, Y/n now had to explain to his friends as to what was going on.

Y/n: This is gonna be hard to explain, but uh...*turns to Jaune* You know that black monster that bit off some dude's head?

Jaune: *nodding* Uh huh...

Y/n: might have been me-

Jaune grabbed Y/n's collar, the latter raising his hands in surrender.

Y/n: But was Venom as well.

Ren: Venom...?

Y/n pointed to his shirt, which rippled in response.

Y/n: Aka my shirt.

A tendril formed, as well as Venom's face on it.

Venom: ...sup.

Ren just looked confused, before backing up, rubbing his eyes.

Pyrrha: So...he's friendly?

Y/n: Only if you call him a- what I said I had earlier, then he'll probably bite your head off.

Nora: Doesn't sound so bad-

Y/n: I also forgot to say that he eats chocolate and tater tots. Want me to introduce him to pancakes?

Nora: *darkly* Don't you even-

Venom: Wait, pancakes, or pancreas?

Y/n: You know what? I- never mind.

Y/n and JNPR just stood in an awkward silence.

Y/n: So uh, you wanna get something to eat? It's on me.

Jaune: M'kay.

Ren: Sure.

Nora: Can we get pancakes?

Pyrrha: Are you sure you're okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm good, why?

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and JNPR walking, whilst Chibi Venom is talking with Y/n-

Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren were sitting there, casually eating, as Nora was stuffing her face with pancakes, whilst Y/n was wolfing down his twentieth bowl of tater tots, with chocolate on the side, that Nora took every now and then.

Upon finishing, Y/n stretched, and so simultaneously burped along with Nora, before he got up and left, leaving some Lien on the table.

Coming out, Y/n stretched for a bit, before walking back to Beacon, feeling a little under the weather.

Upon entering, he was approached by Yang, who blocked his way.

Yang: Hey loser, where do you think you're going-

Y/n: *irritated* Shut up, blondie.

She was taken aback, as Y/n just shoved past her, just not giving a shit.

Yang just turned back to him and was surprisingly shocked. Y/n was usually one to be quiet, but this was different, as it wasn't regular for him to act so brashly.

Then Yang walked over to him and tried to get his attention.

Yang: Hey loser! I'm talking to you!

Y/n continued walking, not seeming to care at all at his sister's antics.

Yang: So that's how it's gonna be, huh you parasite-

Yang was cut off, as Y/n turned around, grabbed her throat, and slammed her into the wall, forming a bimbo-shaped dent along with it.

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