moving along - lashton

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although it may have been hard to believe, luke and ashton were in love once upon a time. they were the happiest couple. they were everything anyone would want in a boyfriend, and it couldn't have been more perfect. they were soulmates; it's as simple as that.

but now it's all gone to waste.

and the worst part of it all is that they're still in love with each other.

but they can't be together. 

not anymore.

"i want to go home, mikey," luke muttered.

michael looked at his friend with pity. the poor man had been cooped up in his house for the past week, refusing to leave the house for anything. now michael had finally gotten him out, all he wants to do is go back.

"but luke, you've spent the last week indoors. don't you think you should just get out? even if it's only for a bit," michael persuaded.

luke scoffed, looking at the ground as he wrapped his arms around his body to shield himself from the cold.

"i want to go home," luke repeated, quieter than before.

his friend nodded sadly. at least he tried, right? 

"yeah," michael sighed, "yeah, okay,"

luke looked at michael. his friend held a reassuring smile, one he had quite frankly grown tired of. luke knew he was only trying to help, and for that he was grateful, but he was sick of everyone babying him because his heart had been left fragile after it was so wrongly broken.

"i'm sorry," luke whispered, shaking his head, "you're just trying to help me. i don't mean to be a bitch. thank you, mikey, you don't have to be here for me,"

michael wrapped his arm around his best friend's waist, pulling him closer as they walked side by side back to the apartment.

"it's okay, lukey. you're my best friend, and i love you. i'm gonna be here no matter what,"

luke smiled smally, nuzzling further into michael's side.

the pair walked in silence, just luke, michael, and the moon. with every breath, they could see the warm air escaping their mouths and mingling amongst the cold winter air. every step made a crunching sound as the pieces of gravel shifted around the floor under their feet.

"i wonder if he thinks about me," luke asked, "like when i'm eating breakfast, and i go to the same place him and i always used to go to together, and i think about him. i wonder if he does the same,"

michael smiled. he remembered the same memories. when luke and ashton were together, the three of them and their other friend, calum, would always meet up at least twice a week to have breakfast at this amazing diner. ashton and luke would go there together more times than with the group. it with more their thing, than everyone's.

"i wonder, if he does still go there, if he goes alone," luke continued, "i hope he does. not that i want him to be miserable - i don't - i just don't like to think that he's replaced me just yet. i like to think that he's just as upset as i am. he probably isn't. i mean, he's the stupid one who ended it. but i can dream,"

luke looked up at the stars. he wondered if ashton was outside looking at the stars, or inside, looking out, and thinking of him. he shook his head, not wanting to corrupt his mind with thoughts about ashton. he wasn't supposed to be thinking this way anymore. besides, he was probably wrong anyway.

but little did he know, that halfway across the city, the boy that he's still in love with was sitting at the window ledge, looking up at the sky, wishing he hadn't been so stupid as to break up with the man of his dreams.

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