i've got this friend - cake

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calum could've help but admire him. everything about him was so perfect. his blond hair, standing in a perfect quiff, his beautiful smile that could be seen from miles away, and his lip ring.

oh god, that lip ring.

"calum! come on!"

calum was snapped out of his daze when he heard his friend, michael, calling him over to their table.

he smiled at his red haired friend, and approached the table, sitting down next to his friend, ashton, and opposite luke.

luke, one of his closest friends, who he's had feelings for for about a year now.

calum doesn't remember how it started. all he remembers is suddenly feeling odd around him. always wanting to look good. always wanting to make him laugh. always wanting to be with him. it took him a long, long time to accept that maybe, just maybe, he has feelings for his best friend, and he might not be so straight after all.

"hey guys," calum greeted, placing his bag by his feet.

"hey," ashton smiled, "what took you so long to come over? you were just staring at us,"

calum's palms began to sweat. he wiped them on his school trousers and got out some water to occupy himself.

not here. not now.

"i was looking at the table behind you," calum lied.

he had gotten used to lying. it had become second nature to him; a second language.

the three boys looked over in the direction calum nodded towards, which was of course occupied by a small group of girls, all of which he recognised.

"ah, say no more," ashton nodded.

calum smiled weakly as a fetched the rest of his lunch from his bag.

"which one?" luke asked.

calum looked over again. there were four girls sitting there - cassidy, the loud girl in his maths class; lauren, the smart girl who's a grade above the others; jenny, the approachable one with more friends than the rest; and fraia, the pretty shy one.


"fraia? i swear she doesn't even talk," michael said, eating some of his crisps.

"i don't even know who that is," ashton added

"she's the one with short, black hair," calum described, "she's cute, and i've heard her talk to her friends; she seems pretty nice,"

calum looked at the other boys' reactions. they all seemed confused as to why calum liked her, but they were supportive nonetheless.

"go talk to her," michael instructed.

"no way," calum shook his head, "she probably doesn't like me,"

"why wouldn't she? you're popular, nice, and hot as fuck. she'd be crazy not to," ashton added.

luke nodded, drinking from his juice carton. calum looked at him, mentally asking for his input on the matter. luke put down the carton and looked over at her.

"to be honest, i don't think she's into those kind of people. she seems like the kind of person who would go for smart, down to earth people. people like her," luke stated.

calum nodded, "that's exactly what i was thinking. besides, it's not even a big crush. i'll get over her in a week,"

"come on, man, you haven't been in a relationship at all this year. year 13 will be over in a month; it's now or never," michael encouraged.

"i'd rather never," calum shrugged.

the boys sighed, diverting their attention away from calum and his love life, and towards their remaining food.

after a few minutes of casual conversation, the bell went off, dismissing the school back into their classes. the four boys got up from their table.

"see you guys after school," ashton said, knowing that none of them have the final two lessons together.

the others nodded in agreement, heading off towards their respective classes.

calum didn't know what got into him, but the conversation he had with the boys merely minutes prior made him want to get something off of his chest.

"hey luke, can i have a minute? i've gotta tell you something,"

calum shocked himself at his words. why would he do that to himself?

luke smiled, happy to miss the first few minutes of his lesson.

"sure, what's up, cal?"

"well... i... i heard that someone likes you," calum stated, just about digging himself out of the hole he had made for himself.

luke seemed somewhat shocked. why should he be? he's literally perfect.

"really? who?" he asked.

calum's face turned into a small frown, but quickly picked itself back up. it looked like luke noticed his minor change in facial expression.

"it might be nothing," calum shrugged, not knowing how to answer.

"please, calum?"

"uh, he's kinda my size, i think you know him,"

"him?" luke questioned.


"oh, yeah. it's a guy..." calum said, scratching the back of his neck.

"cool. what else?" luke smiled.

calum was taken aback. why was luke so casual about that? was he just curious as to who it was, or was he... interested?

"well, he's pretty crazy about you, actually. he told me to tell you to see what you'd say if he asked you on a date,"

"well i don't even know who this guy is," luke persuaded.

calum sighed, "well, he plays a bass guitar, and you talk to him nearly everyday,"

luke started to think.

"i don't know anyone who plays bass. well, other than you, of course," luke deducted.

calum stood in silence. was luke really this daft?

he looked around the diner at the school kids pouring out on their way to classes, and then returned his attention to calum. he saw the look on calum's face, and stopped thinking. what if this guy was calum?

calum sighed, "i wanted to tell you to see what you'd say, before i jump in and i ask for that date,"

luke's eyes widened. this entire time, it was calum.

"wait, what? it's you?" luke questioned.

"surprise?" calum said unsure.



"you wanted to know what i'd say if you asked me on a date. the answer would be yes,"

"wait, really?


calum smiled softly at luke, staring into his ocean blue eyes. after all this time, he couldn't believe luke liked him back. he feels so stupid now, only mentioning it a year later.

"so, you gonna ask or what?" luke asked.

"what?" calum questioned.

"you never actually asked me on a date," luke clarified, humoured by calum's dumbfoundedness.

"oh, right," he coughed, "luke, would you like to go on a date with me?"



"kidding. of course i would,"

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