out of my limit - cashton

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"this is so fucking stressful, what the fuck am i gonna do?" calum panicked, pacing the room.

"it'll be okay, calum, you'll do amazing," ashton stated, attempting to comfort his best friend.

calum shook his head, "you don't know that,"

ashton stood up, and placed his hands on both of calum's shoulders as he held him in place. calum had a stressed and panicked expression on his face, but instantly softened once ashton had held onto him.

"you're right, i don't know that. but i do know you. and i know you'll ace that test," ashton encouraged.

"but what if i don't, ashton? if i fail this test, i might be forced to drop out of uni. i don't want to drop out,"

"if you have to drop out, i'm dropping out with you,"

calum chuckled, doubting his best friend would throw away his university placement all for him.

"i know you won't, and i won't let you,"

"watch me,"

ashton gazed into calum's eyes for what felt like an eternity, just taking in every little detail in his beautiful brown eyes. calum stared back, as his lips curved up into a smile. 

"you really are something else, ashton irwin," calum joked, as he backed away from his friend and towards the door to their room, "i'm gonna hit the library, me and alice are gonna study together. you remember alice? the girl i'm hoping to score with,"

ashton put on a fake smile and nodded, remembering the time calum told him about her. he really wished he didn't remember it.

"see you later today, or hopefully tomorrow morning," calum suggested, winking provocatively.

ashton was unsure of how to reply, so he simply smiled and nodded as calum shut the door.

that's all he's been doing lately. smiling and nodding.

when the pair first became friends, which was about two years ago when ashton moved to sydney in high school, ashton was never really aiming to become friends with calum.

in fact, he wanted to be his boyfriend.

at the beginning of the friendship, ashton would drop all these hints, hoping calum would pick up on them and want the same thing he wanted. but calum has never been the smartest boy.

he stopped trying to get calum once he had made it explicitly clear that he was straight, by getting a girlfriend. that's when the nodding and smiling began.

then, over a year later, calum and his girlfriend broke up, considering she was staying in sydney and going to work for her family's company, and calum was moving to chicago for university with ashton. and the smiling and nodding went away.

it occasionally came back whenver calum saw a hot girl he wanted to bone, or if he went on a date, but that was it.

now, calum has made friends with a girl in his class, and all he wants to do lately is sleep with her. and the smiling and nodding continues.


when calum didn't come home later that evening, ashton started to get worried. had something happened to calum? did he even make it to the library? did alice do something to him?

but then it hit him.

"see you later today, or hopefully tomorrow morning,"

that's when he got out the alcohol that they had a legal friend buy for them. both bottles of vodka, and the two six packs of lager.

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