heartache on the big screen - malum

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calum stormed off backstage, taking his guitar strap off from around his body and dropping the bass to the floor. he kicked it out of his way, stomping off down the corridor with michael promptly following him.

"calum, wait," michael begged.

calum stopped abruptly in his path, turning around to face michael. their chests were inches apart from the sudden hault, and michael decided it would be best if he backed away and gave calum some room.

"what do you want, michael?" calum asked, annoyed.

"i'm sorry, calum, i should have told you-" he started.

"yeah, you fucking should have," he muttered, turning back on his heels.

michael leapt forwards, grabbing his boyfriend's wrist to hault him.

"don't fucking touch me," calum said bitterly.

"calum hear me out, please-"

"no, michael! you fucking cheated on me, and i didn't even hear it from you! i had to hear it from our fucking fans," calum snapped.

"cheated? what? no, calum-" michael tried to say.

"shut the fuck up, michael, i don't want your fucking excuses," calum muttered harshly as he started to step away.

"calum, i never cheated! that happened before we started going out!"

calum turned back around, staring at his boyfriend, "what?"

michael giggled, rushing back over to calum and holding his hands, "calum, that picture's like a year old," he said, "did you see luke's hair? it was like two and a half inches shorter,"

"i couldn't really see much of luke; you were blocking him with your lips," calum mumbled jealously.

michael giggled again, tucking a rouge strand of hair behind his ears and cupping his face with his hands.

"you know i'd never cheat on you, right?" michael whispered.

"i know,"

he kissed his forehead slowly and lovingly, before he parted away from him when he heard rushed footsteps.

ashton stopped when he turned the corner to where they were, bending his body over and putting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.

"you guys... forgot to take off your mics," he said, panting.

calum and michael glanced down at the little microphones attached to the inside of their shirts, before looking back up at each other and laughing, putting their arms around one another's waists.

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