i can't remember - malum

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calum couldn't remember.

he couldn't remember before drinking, he couldn't remember while he was drinking, and he couldn't remember after. it was all one big blur.

but that's the sign that you had a good night - you couldn't remember any of it. so this was a victory in calum's book.


calum turned over, his eyes half shut, and made eye contact with his best mate next to him.

"oh, hey michael," he yawned.

"oh, it's just you," michael sighed, "thought i woke up in some rando's bedroom,"

they chuckled, and calum rolled over again so he was lying on his back with his hand pressed against his forehead.

"i've got the biggest headache," he complained.

"yeah, i want aspirin, my head's killing me," michael agreed, "could you get me some?"

calum sighed, rolling out of bed and flinching at every movement so as not to hurt his head any more.

"bro, where's your shirt?" michael asked.

calum looked down, and saw his bare torso, which was weird considering it's the middle of winter, and he usually slept with a t-shirt in winter.

"oh shit," he muttered.

he looked around his room, looking for a t-shirt, and saw the place completely trashed. clothes everywhere, empty beer bottles, everything out of place. it was a mess.

"what the hell happened last night?" he asked, mainly to himself.

"beats me," michael responded.

calum shrugged and shook his head, before heading into his en-suite and grabbing some aspirin and filling a glass of water for himself and michael.

"ew, man, your bed sheets are sticky!" he heard michael yell from the bedroom.

calum half-closed his eyes with a confused expression, and walked back into the bedroom. he drank some water with the tablet, then tossed one to michael and handed him the water.

"what the fuck?" he mumbled, "get out for a sec,"

michael stumbled out of the bed, almost collapsing from the pain in his behind lower region.

"shit, my ass hurts like hell!" he exclaimed.

calum began to pull the sheets off of the bed to clean them, but stopped mid-action once he had a moment to think about what michael said.

waking up in the same bed.

no shirt.

trashed bedroom.

sticky bedsheets.

michael's ass hurting.

his eyes widened, and he looked at michael, who had yet to realise.


michael looked back at him, confused by his expression, but soon figured it out too.


"did we-"

"fuck, calum,"

"we didn't,"

"there's no way,"

they looked at each other, not saying anything for a solid ten seconds.

"we didn't," michael stated, "we didn't. we couldn't have,"

"we could have,"

"fuck, don't say that calum!"

"look man, we don't even remember it,"

"that's because it didn't happen,"


"no, stop. we didn't have sex," michael demanded, "now, i'm gonna take this aspirin, grab my shit, and drive my dad's car back to the house. okay?"

"we gotta talk about this, man,"

"talk about what? i don't know what you're talking about," he denied.

"why are you refusing to accept this, dude?"

"because i didn't want to not remember the first time i have sex with- someone,"

michael caught himself at the end of his sentence, almost convincing calum that that's what he meant, but not quite.

"michael, you aren't a virgin," calum stated.

"not anymore, i'm not," he continued.

"you weren't before, either. you and i both know that,"

michael shook his head vigorously as he collected all of his things into one pile in his arms, and walked into the living room, desperate to get away.

"michael, tell me what you were actually gonna say,"

"where are my keys?" he asked himself.

"michael, talk to me,"

"i can't find my keys,"

calum grabbed michael's arm.

"you can find your fucking keys after, just talk to me!" he said, getting annoyed, "what were you gonna say?"

michael didn't respond, and looked anywhere but at calum.

"were you gonna say that you didn't want to not remember having sex with me?" he asked calmly.

"n-no," he mumbled, "now, where the fuck are those keys?"

michael left calum's grasp, and continued ransacking the house for the car keys.

"why?" calum asked.

"why what?"

"why do you want to remember having sex with me?"

michael momentarily froze, but regained control over his body and searched the house even more.

"great, i've lost the keys to my dad's yellow hummer," he muttered, standing in defeat.


"i should call him. where's my phone?"

michael pushed past calum to go back into the bedroom, and completely ignored his presence.

"michael," calum repeated.

"oh shit, 25 texts and a call from mum," he mumbled.

"fuck sake, michael, grow up and talk to me,"

michael sighed, putting his phone in his jean pocket and walking back towards the door to the living room. calum quickly shut it and locked it, standing in front of it.

"you're not leaving until you talk to me,"

michael sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"fine," he said in defeat, "what?"

"why do you want to remember having sex with me?" calum asked, crossing his arms.

"because," michael muttered, playing with his fingers as he looked down at his lap, "i'm gay and i have a crush on you. happy?"

calum smiled.

"yes, actually,"

michael's head shot up, his eyes wide open.


"i'm gay and i have a crush on you too, you dork,"

calum uncrossed his arms and approached his best friend, getting down on his knees in front of him and grabbing his hands.

"you're kidding,"

"not in the slightest,"

calum leant forwards and softly pressed his lips against michael's, melting into the kiss. michael closed his eyes and sighed in content, taking in everything he's ever wanted since the pair were eleven years old.

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