safety pin - malum

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calum was staring up at his bedroom ceiling. it reminded him of himself, oddly enough. boring. blank. the same as always.

this was something that calum often found himself doing - staring at the ceiling. he didn't want to look around his room, because photos of him were still hung up. he didn't want to look at his phone, because the messages with him hadn't been deleted yet. and if calum looks over them, he'll fall back in love. but that's stupid. he broke his heart. why should calum crave the love of someone who hurts him so much?

calum was broken from his thoughts by a thud. he glanced over at his window, and seeing nothing.

probably a leaf he thought.

he looked back the ceiling, but his attention was once again thrown to the window. and this time he saw it. a rock, just a small one, hitting his window and falling back down.


calum narrowed his eyes, wondering who was throwing rocks at his window, and why at this hour.

he climbed off of his bed, and unlocked his window, heaving it open. he leant over it slightly, glancing down.

he saw a familiar red haired boy, looking around for something. probably another rock to throw at his window.

"hey, dickhead, you've caught my attention!" calum shouted down, "what do you want at 12:30 in the morning?"

michael shot up, dropping his little collection of rocks and brushing down his dirty skinny jeans.

"hey cal!" he gleamed, "what's up?"

"'what's up?' mikey, please don't tell me you came to my house at 12:30 just to ask what's up," calum sighed.

"shut up, cal, if i know you, which i do, then i know that you weren't even asleep anyway,"

calum rolled his eyes.

"i'm gonna close the window,"

"no!" mikey shouted, "look, just let me in, it's cold as balls and i wanna talk to you,"

"if it's to ask what's up then i'm gonna kill you,"

michael chuckled. of course his best friend would expect something so stupid of him.

"it's not," he shook his head.

calum merely smiled at him, before closing the window and locking it, then heaving the curtains shut. seconds later, the same boy appeared at the front door, this time with a shirt on, and let his friend into his house.

"you'll have to be quiet, i think mum and dad are sleeping," calum reminded michael.

michael knew that, of course. the amount of times he dropped by uninvited at ungodly hours were simply impossible to count.

once calum had shut the two of them into his bedroom, they sat on the bed cross-legged opposite each other.

"so," calum began, "i'd like to know what was so important that you had to throw rocks at my window, which could have been broken, by the way,"

"your windows are double glazed, it's fine," michael rolled his eyes.

"no they aren't. our house was built like sixty years ago, we never got the windows double glazed,"

"whatever," michael scoffed, "so the reason i wanted to talk to you was..."

michael hesitated. should he tell him? calum will probably be annoyed at him. but if he didn't tell him, and he found out somehow, he'd be even more annoyed.

calum nodded, gesturing for him to continue talking.

"...was because I- I went to um, ashton's house earlier," he mumbled.

calum's eyes widened, and he balanced his head on his hand.

"you went to ashton's house?" calum clarified, "why?"

"i wanted to find out why he broke up with you," michael shrugged, playing with his fingers.

"we know why he broke up with me, mikey, remember? he liked my dick and nothing else, and didn't think to use his brain before saying yes to being my boyfriend," calum rolled his eyes.

"but i thought there was more to it, so i went to ask him,"

"and was there?"


"oh god," calum sighed, "do i want to hear this?"

michael nodded uncertainly, "i knocked on his door, and he opened it, shirtless, covered in sweat, messy hair, the lot,"

calum knew where this was going, yet he signalled calum to go on.

"the moment he saw me, he just panicked entirely. he stepped outside and shut the door. he was just so nervous and shaky. he asked what i wanted, trying to speed me along, and i thought it was so he could continue doing what he was doing, but i realised it was so i couldn't see who he was doing it with," michael explained.

"who was he with?" calum asked, intrigued. 

he sighed, "luke. he was with luke,"

"no way. are you fucking kidding me?" calum shouted.

"keep your voice down," he scolded, "but yeah. your ex-boyfriend was fucking my now ex-boyfriend,"

"this is so messed up," calum stated, running his hand through his hair, "what did you do?"

"i broke up with him. he told me he was sorry, and that he didn't know what got into him. i said 'well apparently, ashton did,' and dumped him on the spot,"

calum laughed, his dimples popping out and his almost-perfect teeth showing. michael smiled at the sight.

"i wish we were laughing on a better occasion," calum sighed, once the laughter died down.

he laid his head on michael's shoulder, the two sitting in complete silence for a couple minutes.

michael eventually looked down at his best friend, and calum looked back up. the pair locked eyes, and never once looked away. eventually, they realised they were leaning in, and stopped merely inches away from each other's faces.

"we shouldn't," michael whispered.

but he wanted to. he really, really wanted to.

"why not?" calum asked, keeping his voice as low as michael was.

"it's wrong," michael answered.

but what if it wasn't?

"you've been wronged and i've been wronged. two wrongs makes it right,"

"this time, maybe this time, two wrongs make it right,"

and so michael and calum forgot about being responsible, and for once took a risk and did something that could either make or break them.

and it was the best decision they've ever made.

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