Gill Brooks

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Name: Gill Brooks

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Species: Fae

Magic: Gill's magic is unknown and dangerous to the point that he ended up killing his brother and gravely injuring his other brother. He has an unhealthy relationship with his magic and because of this he has too keep his magic locked down or risk the consequences of it reacting badly to others or himself. This however keeps a tremendous pressure on him making him pass out, dizzy, or have long periods of not being able to function.
As a younger male he discovered his magic's deadly effects when he was off on a scouting mission for his clan. Gill was climbing an old oak on a heavily raining day when he slipped and his magic reacted resulting in the tree being turned into saw dust.

Weapon preference:

Weapon preference:

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Shift: He is able to turn into a black panther with light orange spots

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Shift: He is able to turn into a black panther with light orange spots.

Appearance: He is a large and tall male with an excessive amount of freckles all over his body

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Appearance: He is a large and tall male with an excessive amount of freckles all over his body. His skin is a fair white showing off said freckles. He has dirty blonde hair that is chin length, dark brown eyes (like his brothers), and a strong jaw. His canines are very long and even when he isn't bearing his teeth the sharp ends poke out of his mouth.
For tattoos he used to have his clans mark on his shoulder but burned the skin himself to get rid of it. So now it's simply a nasty burn mark on his left shoulder.

A long time after the killing of his kin he got a tattoo of a moon with dark rays coming from it

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A long time after the killing of his kin he got a tattoo of a moon with dark rays coming from it. This shows of his acceptance of becoming hated and alone. He decided it was batter that way. Further excepting it he got  phases of the moon on his chest.

Personality: Gill is a very silent and a thoughtful character, choosing to take time to think then taking action

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Personality: Gill is a very silent and a thoughtful character, choosing to take time to think then taking action. He prefers to not feel so keeping to himself keeps him from it. He is quickly anxious when faced with situations and can become dangerous if he doesn't separate himself.

Skills: Skilled in using a verity of weapons and can use both hands in combat. His large fangs come in handy if he isn't able to use his hands.

Disadvantages: He can become stressed when dealing with people. He also has dizzy spells and can black out because of his magic's pressure.

Dislikes: people, interactions, thinking about the past, and being interrupted when doing said task.

Likes: training, working with his hands, and finishing tasks.

Fun fact: loves fruits!

SN_supernova ree

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