Cameron J. Morgan (OLD GROSS OC I HATE DIE)

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Here lies Cameron Morgan

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Here lies Cameron Morgan. A brother and a fiancee. God will meet him at Havens gates.

Name: Cameron J. Morgan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Relationship Status: Single

Piercings, Tattoos, Scars: Just a few bruises and cuts from working out on the farm but not much.

Book smart


Handyman: Cameron's father showed him how to make many things out of wood or metals. Sometimes he would help by repairing the house and making fake swords For his sister. He is also pretty good with making carvings or other little nick naks. For Cameron's wedding, he was going to make a house so he and his wife could live in it.

Book smart: When ever be was little he always loved to read even if his family said it was a waste of time. He loved to read medical books and books about animals or just anything that has words. Sometimes he would end up skipping out on work to get stuck in a book all day.

Survival: Sense he is Amish he has learned to live in the woods ever since he was a boy. With this skill, he can live off the land without electricity or running water which gives him the advantage. He can also hunt but dislikes killing animals, but he will if he must.

Hometown: Red Wood, Nebraska

Cause of Death: Swine Flu (look it up)

Cameron had a rather good life. He lived on his family's farm watching his six-year-old sister Emily grow up, and a finance named May. His life was dull yes, but at least he had one.

Since he was the oldest sibling, he worked in the stables and worked the tractor. Every day when he he would begin work at about five with a candle in hand and a smile on his face as he was eager for work to be over. He would first begin with cleaning the pig pen with saying hi to the piglets. But what he didn't know was that each touch to their pink skin, he was picking up the deadly swine flew.

He has been working with the pigs for a long time but they seemed to just have gotten the swine flu. Cameron soon started to have a little bit of a struggle working.

He started having coughing fits and spitting up blood which made him vomit till he blacked out. This had gone on for about a month with his parents taking him to a retired family nurse every Sunday after church. The nurse would just send him home with an unsure smile on her face and some herbs to 'cure' him.

His parents were worried still and told him to cut down on the work thinking that He was working to hard. It was weird for him to stop work, but he did it for his parents.

One day his parents where invited to a dinner at a friend's house so Cameron was to take care of his sister Emily. Cameron agreed and When they left he decided to make some dinner for the two of them. After dinner Cameron felt a little more congested and sour, which made Cameron have a bit of a hard time breathing.

He decided to get his sister to bed so he could get some tea. He cared her to her room and gently say her down on the bed. She snuggled into her pink quilt their mother gave her. Emily held her hands together and closed her eyes waiting for Cameron to say the prayer. He smiled a bit and began saying the prayer, but stops. A worm liquid is felt in the back of his throat and when he takes a breath he starts to gag. He flys out of his writing position and falls over due to trying to the action.

Emily opened her eyes to see what had stalled her brother from saying amen and giggles slightly thinking her brother was playing a game. Watery breaths were being taken in as Cameron tried to breathe but then he began to choke. Little Emily looked to the side of her bed to see Cameron clutching his throat as blood spilled out of his eyes. Emily screams and starts to cry as she witnesses her brother fighting to take in the air as his blood tries to take his life. He began to turn blue and tired with the effort of staying alive.

This goes on for about a small amount of time before his body begins to shut down fast. Cameron looks to his sister and reached as if she could save him and he managed to get the words from his lips.

"I love you."

His words were more of a slur as his blood finally takes over his lounges and spilled from his lips as he stopped moving once and for all.

Emily continues to wail as she slides down from her bed with no idea what had happened to her brother. She pokes him in the arm with a shaky hand and says with tears blocking her vision.

"Big brother wake up! You need to wake up!"

But for what she didn't know when Cameron had begun to decide to Heaven he turned back and stayed by his body as his sister cried for him. He cried with her.

Years Reborn: three years in a half

Living Biography:

Cameron Morgan was born to an Amish family in Red Wood, Nebraska. His mother Violet Morgan soon had Cameron's sister Emily when Cameron was 8 years old. Cameron was a very good brother from the start. Cameron would play with her all the time but he would find other things to do as well. He would do extra work around the house including hunting, gardening, cleaning up, and laundry. He even found ways to get Emily to help even if he had to threaten her desert being taken away.

His father Jay taught him how to use his brain instead of his strength which earned him well. But it didn't keep him out of trouble. Since his family was rather poor he would go to town and pickpocket to earn some money or anything else he could find. He was rather good at this but he failed when he meet May. He reached for her pocket, but ended in her slapped him so hard it left a bruise in a form of a hand.

May meets Cameron again but this time he apologized and explained why he did it. May was still mad but she soon took his apology. This soon sparked a friendship but then turned into love. When Cameron was 19 he proposed which was the happiest day of his life. There wedding was supposed to be in the first month of spring but that was when Cameron become sick so the marriage was stopped. Cameron was devastated at this and counties to work trying to prove he was healthy. But his stubbornness soon ended him.

Postmortem Biography:

When he left his body he refused to join God and stayed on Earth. He really didn't know why because he had lived his whole life waiting to go, but it seemed way too soon to leave now. He witnessed his sister being dragged from his body and his love looking in horror. He was going to miss his sister growing up. May and his wedding. His life was blown out like a candle leaving him to roam the world. Cameron realizes what he has missed and what his culture has limited him to. So know he was ready to try anything new. And one day a voice of some sorts answers his prayers.

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